What future plans for Descent?

By DrRednek, in Descent: Journeys in the Dark

Does anyone know what is in the pipeline for Descent?

Well, the only thing we KNOW is that there will pewter lieutenant figures soon. See http://new.fantasyflightgames.com/edge_minisite_sec.asp?eidm=5&esem=2&esum=108

They list four right now on that page but the Alliance Games web site lists seven figures (the first four and Lady Eliza Farrow, Krieg The Relentless and Kratz The Plauge).

Recently on the Dice Tower podcast Tom Vasel interviewed reps/owners from 15 different game companies. Tom stated that FFG was missing from the list because FFG said that they wanted to wait until April when they normally announce their plans for the year. So, I guess we will have to wait until April to hear what is in the works for Descent.

And there was the posted 2nd hand statement that there was a RtL expansion being worked on that prompted a KW "I can not confirm said statement" response.