House Rules

By McRae, in Red November

Just a few house rules we use, thought I'd share:

1) The Aqualung can be used to spend a turn in flooded rooms. Just like the rules for being outside the sub, if by the end of your next turn you are still in a flooded room, you kick the bucket.

2) The Harpoon can be used in combat with the Crazed Gnomes variant, just like the crowbar. It gives a +1 bonus to your attack roll.

3) You can choose to low-flood a room connected to an exterior hatch if you are coming in from outside the sub.

4) When resolving Fire, if the roll lands on a room already on fire, treat it as a Fire Spreads card.

5) When resolving a Fire Spreads and there are no fires in play, treat it as a Fire card.