Hi everybody!
My english is not very good so I'll try to do my best, forgive my syntax
I've crossed the famous line between GM and PC and last sunday I did play The Final Sanction with my buddies and for the next game, I wish I had more ideas for turning points.
This is a list of ideas to motivate the kill team :
- The kill team must crossed a district and the only way is a bridge but this one is damaging and the fall is to take into account.
- An old, blind man run toward you, but if you look better, you can see an explosive belt on him
- A civil wounded is crying some help cause he can't move, but it's a trap cause a sniper is waiting for you
- At a crossroads, a statue of the Emperor has been desecrated with parts of human corpses, but hidden, there is some explosives dissimulated
If you have some more, post it please here.
Thank you .