Hello all!
I thought it was time to share the Minotaurs Rules I've cooked up in my spare GM time over the past month.
You can find them here on Google Docs:
(Sorry for the imperfect quality, both MS word and Docs like to fight with PDF files)
A player of mine had wanted to create a Minotaurs character a little while back and wanted to do so by making a sort of off-brand assault marine. I liked his ideas but I thought they could use a full chapter write-up, so I decided to create one for him instead. I had a lot of fun doing it, but it's far from complete. I'm aware that it needs a good amount of tweaking, so please feel free to give critique or suggestions for things you would like to see in later versions. I will at some point be adding relics and deeds, but I may wait to release those until I can do so as part of a larger supplement I've been working on. This early release is so I can have some experienced feedback from the community and hopefully you folks out there can do some playtesting!