ahh….. awesome, thx!
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Theomnipotentsco said:
My reaction…
ditto./… release this already ffg
Do we know who at FFG is going to be designing cards and expansions for this?
*posted to fix the "out-of-order new message icon" bug*
BorisKarloff said:
Do we know who at FFG is going to be designing cards and expansions for this?
I'm guessing that despite the speculation of working on the Star Wars LCG that the LCG developers they were looking for not so long ago are going to be working on this.
Aahzmandius_Karrde said:
BorisKarloff said:
Do we know who at FFG is going to be designing cards and expansions for this?
I'm guessing that despite the speculation of working on the Star Wars LCG that the LCG developers they were looking for not so long ago are going to be working on this.
Aahzmandius_Karrde said:
Could you be a little more vague?
BorisKarloff said:
Aahzmandius_Karrde said:
Could you be a little more vague?
How am I being vague?
On Feb 6th FFG announced that the Star Wars LCG was going back into development . Close to that time they announced positions for LCG Developers, I can't seem to find the actual posting perhaps they've deleted it. The general assumption was that they were being hired to work on SWLCG.
On May 10th they announce Netrunner . Initial work on Netrunner wouldn't take as much effort as a new LCG since they have a good pool of cards to work from and a solid base of mechanics.
Is it much of a stretch to think that the people hired were assigned to Netrunner?
I'm sorry my initial post wasn't as explicit as this one, but I think it says essentially the same thing.
Does anyone have the actual names of the actual people who have developed the base game and/or will be working on the expansions for it?
BorisKarloff said:
Does anyone have the actual names of the actual people who have developed the base game and/or will be working on the expansions for it?
Do you want to drive to their homes and set their cars on fire or something? o_O
Personally, I don't care what names are on the gamebox, as long as the game itself is good.
It's absolutely possible that one of the people working on A:N is an undiscovered talent and becomes the next Garfield.
el Igore said:
Personally, I don't care what names are on the gamebox, as long as the game itself is good.
And you don't see the connect of the first to the second?
I have to tell this… if the name on the box is Corey K. I'll throw the game box to the sea!
(I'll get banned for this)
Of course the name on the box is important! It's like looking at the game box of Game of Thrones LCG and reading Eric Lang, you'll know that it's the creator of the original game and it will be a progress of the old and gold!
Just as a side comparison, it's like the Merchant of Venus reprint. You'll see that in the game box it states "A Game by …", but you've read some changes were made to the original game (for instance, only 4P and 4 Factions). Now, for a player who never played the game before that's cool and buys it and stuff… but for the people that love the original (like Netrunner has its small but fervorished fanbase) and wanted to buy the reprint that simple fact could raise question marks in terms of buying the game.
I've missed that LCG Developer announcement. Of course I'm from Portugal and FFG is in the US but I'm making a custom module with rules of my own to a Warmachine/Hordes card game to play in OCTGN. ****, have to keep my eyes open next time!!
Does anyone know why FFG isn't responding?
I see a lot of posting about the fact that FFG just isn't responding to questions on this game and I'm kinda surprised. I mean if they were releasing a brand new game I could see the point. But we're talking about an established game. The first game to get the coveted 6 pips from InQuest (I believe it was InQuest… or Scrye… don't remember anymore). A game that despite being dead for YEARS still has a huge German/UK tournament scene. We're talking Original Star-Craft-esque-asian life blood. And I for one would really appreciate some simple answers from someone handling a game that I am fairly in love with… lol. Hell, I've got over 13,000 cards from the original game by Wizards.
It's almost frightening to see them handle this game without consulting the Netrunner librarians of old. Pickle, Mathias, and more have been so involved in the original game I believe they helped developed variants and errata that were considered gospel. But on the Netrunner-L list from oracle.wizards.com they are all just as clueless as to what the re-release is going to be or do to Netrunner.
The game has a ton of potential. I for one will be getting a started for my gf and I. We are both antsy as hell to get our hands on this. I just got her addicted to the original Netrunner a couple months ago, and this is great timing for a great game. But I really don't want to see this game jacked with crazy revamps.
Ah well… the only thing we seem to be left with is to wait… so wait I shall…
Yeah, but the other way to look at is.. the original netrunner community is small and old and full of fan boys.. so who cares what they think anyway? FFG should completely ignore them (witch they are thank god) and make a new game for a new generation. Trying to please "fans" not only is impossible cause there are no breed more bitchy and full of themselves then these self appointed "experts" but a complete waste of effort cause nothing.. no matter what.. would ever sate them/. There would always be some fool crapping on on the fourm about some technical problem that he feels is a integral part and how dare they change his beloved game …
This isn't a reprint.. it is a NEW game using most of the netrunner mechanics designed from scratch for a new generation of players. Sure they want teh old players money.. but that tiny slice of a player base is NOT who they are trying to please or who they are marketing to.
randomblink said:
Cause in big massive letters on the front of the community forums it says that the forums are not a place to directly contact FFG and that they will never respond directly to any thread. You should see the Star Wars LCG forum, that place is going rabid trying "guess" the future of that game fter it sent back to the drawing board.
I actually still can't believe this is happening. I didn't think about netrunner for so long then found my old decks last month. I wished someone would revive this game and then it actually happened! Good thing I didn't blow all my money on eBay in a fit of nostalgia!
SerAndrew said:
I actually still can't believe this is happening. I didn't think about netrunner for so long then found my old decks last month. I wished someone would revive this game and then it actually happened! Good thing I didn't blow all my money on eBay in a fit of nostalgia!
That's a feel-good story right there.
I think I'm looking forward to this game more than I am Star Wars. Is that a sin?
Doc9 said:
Yes, a Jedi's strength flows from the Force. But beware of Netrunner. Asymmetrical game play, cyberpunk theme, separate decks; of Netrunner are they. Easily they flow, bluffing unmatched, tactics ever present. If once you start Netrunner, forever will it dominate your destiny, consume you it will, as it did Obi-Wan's apprentice.
Mikko Leho said:
Doc9 said:
Yes, a Jedi's strength flows from the Force. But beware of Netrunner. Asymmetrical game play, cyberpunk theme, separate decks; of Netrunner are they. Easily they flow, bluffing unmatched, tactics ever present. If once you start Netrunner, forever will it dominate your destiny, consume you it will, as it did Obi-Wan's apprentice.
randomblink said:
Does anyone know why FFG isn't responding?
I see a lot of posting about the fact that FFG just isn't responding to questions on this game and I'm kinda surprised. I mean if they were releasing a brand new game I could see the point.
This is actually pretty standard for FFG. They tend not to interact with their general customers much, at least through the forums. Some of their recent games (the Star Wars LCG, Dust Warfare). However much we may like the NetRunner franchise, it doesn't stack up to Star Wars, which was originally announced last August, had a progress update in February, and nothing since. So that's about 10 months since announcement, with one update. If Star Wars gets that sort of treatment, "How can they not be saying anything?? It's NetRunner!" isn't going to carry a lot of weight
If there has even been a company which required adoption of the "Just relax and stop checking, it'll be here when it's here" mentality, it's FFG.
Buhallin said:
If there has even been a company which required adoption of the "Just relax and stop checking, it'll be here when it's here" mentality, it's FFG.
Add Zvezda to that list too. I'm getting pretty tired of having no clue when Samurai Battles is going to come out, it's been two months since it was supposedly "any time now" without a single peep explaining the delays or giving an updated estimate.
The good news is that once the release is out, the monthly packs arrive pretty much like clockwork.
4 the second time.. in the text you agreed to when entering the forum it states in plain text that FFG will not ever response to threads and it "is not the place to contact FFg directly"
Booored is right - I have known a few FFG employees, and they have told me that they are not allowed to post on the forums in any official capacity except in extreme circumstances (the only time I've seen it is to explain why they're locking a thread, which is very rare, or to answer a question about which cards were and were not legal for a tournament that was happening the NEXT day.)