Star Wars mentioned on KFAN?

By Budgernaut, in Star Wars: The Card Game

On Tuesday (8 May 2012) some radio station interviewed a bunch of the guys at FFG, including Corey Konieczka, one of the creators of SW:TCG. I only caught the last 30 seconds of the broadcast (miscalculated time zones) and I was wondering if anyone heard the whole thing and what they talked about. Was Star Wars mentioned at all?

I ask this because I've seen two posts in since the broadcast where people have said they're excited about SW because it will be cooperative, but I thought the general consensus was that the co-op was probably scrapped.

Wow, between this and the sudden article that mentioned early registration for Days of Ice & Fire would be ending that day, I'm now strongly advocating the earlier posting of time-sensitive material by FFG, by those sorry lot of us who aren't able to visit the site each and every day.

I would have absolutely listened to this. >.>

I still wonder about the reasons FFG failed with their first attempt at Star Wars. I thought it might have been that they were worried it was just a clone of Lord of the Rings in Sci Fi. Was there room for 2 similar coop games? Now I see the announcement of Netrunner! The original game by Wizards of the Coast was great. Totally exciting and unique! They should have kept on with it as it didn't clash with Magic. If FFG wants to pull Star Wars away from Lord of the Rings - the latter is too good to compete with - they could find themselves competing with their own Sci Fi effort! If Netrunner stays true to the original, and in my oppinion it must, then Star Wars would have the difficult task of coming up with something completely different from either of these established classics. What we need is more positive information about how these games will work. Cheers!

I'm still of the opinion that it was consideration of the eras to which the property could expand in future years, that caused the team to reflect upon the game engine. A game engine that pits the Rebellion against the Empire, for example, might be wholly inappropriate to express the conflict of the prequels, in which the Dark Side has less brute might and has to skulk around while the Jedi preserve peace in the galaxy, or the efforts to rebuild the Republic post- Jedi , in which the Empire is no longer centralized and is torn apart by factionalism.

Budgernaut said:

I ask this because I've seen two posts in since the broadcast where people have said they're excited about SW because it will be cooperative, but I thought the general consensus was that the co-op was probably scrapped.

Seriously, I thought that somebody who heard the broadcast would have posted on this thread by now. I noticed those posts as well and wondered if they gave any new info on the radio. But, the poster that said "I'm glad they're going PvP" was a person I haven't seen on the Star Wars board before or since. Maybe they don't know that they've thrown us all into fits.