Anyone know?
Just wondering because I love playing the living card of the Lord of the RIngs solo and with friends.
Anyone know?
Just wondering because I love playing the living card of the Lord of the RIngs solo and with friends.
Unlikely. LotR is the only LCG to be so far and it is also cooperative not competitive.
I'm also waiting for a LCC that is soloable and in a theme I'm interested in. This would have hit the mark, but unfortunately it doesn't look to be a solo game. Lord of the Rings and Star Wars just don't do it for me. Oh well. I'll keep waiting.
What is with everyone saying SW is going to be cooperative recently?! It used to say it was a cooperative game for 1-4 players on the box, but it doesn't anymore. The most recent rendition of the box displayed at the NY toy fair said it was a game for 2 players. No more. No less. Just two. Furthermore, the description was updated to say players control their favorite heroes and villains. All the evidence we have points to the fact that Star Wars will be a PvP game. It's not just you, Phiveball, but you're the 3rd person I've seen this week quote SW as a cooperative game when the majority of the people on the SW forums are pretty sure it won't be anymore (much to the chagrin of half of the community there).
vectordream said:
Anyone know?
Just wondering because I love playing the living card of the Lord of the RIngs solo and with friends.
jhaelen said:
vectordream said:
Anyone know?
Just wondering because I love playing the living card of the Lord of the RIngs solo and with friends.
Nope it's strictly for two players. It says so right on the product page.
exactly… star wars is the solo/co-op scifi lcg do not listen to Budgernaut
From what I can see from the little info so far, this looks pretty close to the original Netrunner released by Wizards of the Coast. If so, then this will be very difficult to play solo, even playing both sides. It was one of the best ccgs for bluffing and setting traps. You can't bluff or trap yourself! The original game was great and I was surprised and saddened when Wizards dropped it. Very exciting play and completely unique in style. Hopefully FFG will stay true to the original as this game deserves a new lease of life. My old decks still get played, so I will watch with interest. I play many non-cooperative card games on my own - playing both sides - but Netrunner just doesn't work with 1 player or more than 2. Cheers!
Don't know, man. I'm just going off of what I read ages ago when it was first announced. I have not been interested enough to go back an look at it. So if they changed it, that's fine. You can understand how there would be confusion, though. It's not like everyone reads every update on every game.
Unless a game is specifically designed as co-op, you're not likely to be able to play it that way.
Now, you can play any competitive 2p game solo by playing both sides, but this can have detrimental effects on gameplay if you're not normally supposed to know what the other side is doing or what cards they have in their hand. Netrunner has a lot of secret info and bluffing, so I expect it isn't going to work that well played this way.