Critical damage questions

By Aldares, in Black Crusade Rules Questions


I searched everywhere for some explanations but haven't found any!

I can't figure how does Critical damage work! Maybe a silly question, but I need help…

For example:

What happens if a player with 3 wounds takes 7 impact damage on his leg?

Then, what if he takes 2 more wounds on the same part? And what if he takes those additionnal wounds on his arm? or with a different type of damage?…

If that player survives, how does he recover?

I'm sorry to ask basic questions, but I can't even begin to play if I don't understand this mecanic…

I'm also sorry if clarifications are simply in the book, but I really don't know where it could be.

3 Wounds takes 7 damage = Crit 4 to whatever location.

Another 2 wounds on top of that? Crit 6 to whatever location.

Another 2 wounds? Crit 8 to whatever location.

Recovery will usually be via the Medicae skill and time… or Infamy Points.

I'm going to add a level of complexity to this question:

What happens if he has true grit, let's say with a toughness of 30?

3 Wounds takes 7 damage to arm = Crit 4 to arm
So he's at crit 4, but only suffers the crit penalty of 1?

Another 2 wounds on top of that to the leg? Crit 6 to leg
But he only suffers the crit descriptor of 3 to the leg?

No, True Grit actually reduces the critical damage taken. So in your example he'd be at 2 crit to his leg after 2 shots.

A better example for True Grit is if the character with T30 is at 3 wounds and is hit for 6 twice(after normal toughness and armour.)

The first hit takes off his remaining 3 wounds. then the 3 critical he would take are reduced by his Toughness bonus to a minimum of 1. so he takes a 1 point critical.

The second hit is also reduced by 3 so he takes 3 more for a total of 4.

(Also remember that when Zealous Hatred happens it is only a 'critical effect' and is not added onto current or future hits and is not reduced by True Grit.)

So, if I get it:

Critical wounds are a second threshold, and assuming the player is still alive with the effects, he can take 1 wound up to 10 times on any location no matter the type of damage? And if a player with 3 wounds takes 13+ damage he is killed (unless he has True Grit)?

And the only effect to apply is the total value of the critical wounds, so it is better to take one 3 wounds shot than taking 3 times one wound?

Aldares said:

So, if I get it:

Critical wounds are a second threshold, and assuming the player is still alive with the effects, he can take 1 wound up to 10 times on any location no matter the type of damage? And if a player with 3 wounds takes 13+ damage he is killed (unless he has True Grit)?

And the only effect to apply is the total value of the critical wounds, so it is better to take one 3 wounds shot than taking 3 times one wound?

If he took one 3 wounds he'd only suffer the effects of crit 3 on the table.

But if he took 1 critical wound 3 times, he'd suffer the effects of crit 1, for the first hit, then the effects of crit 2 for the second, then the effects of crit 3 for the 3rd hit.

So yeah, getting hit once is better than getting hit 3 times.

You can easily die long before 10 crit on a location depending on the location and the attack type. But yes, it is accumulated as one pool regardless of the location or attack type.

If you are hit for 3 impact critical to the head, then take 2 energgy to the arm, then get hit for 3 explosive damage to the body you take the effects of 3 impact to the head, 5 energy to the arm and 8 explosive to the body. You die at this point, but not if the last hit had been a different type.

(and if you had true grit you would be sitting relatively fine with 3 critical damage and only minor inconveniences from these hits.)

Thank you for your help! It's all clear now :)