Will this new version be compatible with the old cards? If so, will there ever be a reprinting of the cards that appeared in Proteus?
Does anyone know?
Will this new version be compatible with the old cards? If so, will there ever be a reprinting of the cards that appeared in Proteus?
Does anyone know?
Just guessing, but I'd say no to compatibility, and a partial yes to reprints (I wouldn't count on them reprinting everything, but they may reprint selected cards.) Much depends on a) how they choose to balance the game, and (b) the details of their license with the original copyright holders.
Well, the new cards have factions and the old cards don't - so there's an issue right there. If the game rules are compatible enough you can probably work up some house rules to count them as Neutral cards or something, but I don't think there's any chance they'll be officially usable.
…not to mention the backs will look different from one another (backed sleeves could fix this) but also it's FFG's IP wrapped around it.
I would assume not. They are not in the market of making other companies money (or whomever still has old cards at a discount), only selling as much of their product as they can and recouping their cost. Plus there is usually quite a few issues withcompatibility, many of which discussed here.
If they didn't make their OWN game backwards compatible in Game of Thrones, I doubt they will for others
Luckily, the LCG model is very affordable - I am just glad someone is taking the license!
Proteus nearly ruined NetRunner by so unbalancing things in favor of the Runner. To repeat that mistake would display no attention to the game's history.
Oh, no. They might lose me before I touch one of their cards (or buy thousands of them).
NetRunner as Garfield designed it was just about perfect. It was so good that I stopped playing chess for two years. You can't improve NetRunner, FFG. (And your first mistake was not consulting me.)
rings said:
Well, Call of Cthulhu LCG is backward compatible with CoC CCG.
rings said:
Sure, it is affordable. And I plan on buying some. But I have a ton of old Netrunner cards that would love to see some new play.
Christoph said:
rings said:
Well, Call of Cthulhu LCG is backward compatible with CoC CCG.
rings said:
Sure, it is affordable. And I plan on buying some. But I have a ton of old Netrunner cards that would love to see some new play.
It's not gonna happen. This is a totally different setting. They bought the game mechanics, not the setting that the old cards used.
Toqtamish said:
Christoph said:
rings said:
Well, Call of Cthulhu LCG is backward compatible with CoC CCG.
rings said:
Sure, it is affordable. And I plan on buying some. But I have a ton of old Netrunner cards that would love to see some new play.
It's not gonna happen. This is a totally different setting. They bought the game mechanics, not the setting that the old cards used.
We fans can always make homemade rules, after all the NR has a great community, so making a way for the two versions to play together isn't an insane thought.
I don't think you're going to see full compatibility. Probably not even partial. Planning Consultants is now called Precognition. It looks like there may be a card called Scorched Earth again. Data Darts is now Neural Katana, but without the "can't break anything on the next ice" part. Fall Guy has become Decoy. All of the proper names have been changed/eliminated to fit in with the new universe. I can see that they kept Bad Publicity, so they have at least incorported some of the Proteus concepts.
Then you've got the 7 personas (4 corp and 3 runner). My best guess it that they will affect starting resources, possibly some in-game ability/modification, and potentially change victory conditions.
I'm going to theorize that while the base mechanics will be the same, it will feel a little different to the players from original NR. The deck construction rules will likely be very different and card choice will likely be very constrained (only 252 cards to begin with and that includes the persona cards). Typically this will disadvantage the runner more, but that's based on the original NR cardset.
I, and likely many others, were somewhat bored with deck construction in the original NR, having found it stale and unable to reasonably get better with new expansions. Because of this, I look forward to any new re-envisioning of the product. I certainly worry about the possibility of FFG messing up a very good game, but at this point I don't really see any real loss. After all, when was the last World Domination?
Going out on a limb, I suspect this new version will be comparable to Pocket Knight or Bughouse Chess: an interesting diversion but certainly a weaker derivative of an otherwise excellent game. Given the lack of player base (and product availability for new players), I'm willing to welcome a new diversion. I'm sure others will disagree, some saying this new one is much better and others saying this new one is much worse.
Lets see how this run goes…
I don't think using the old cards would be such a good idea. Even ignoring likely imcompatibilities or balance issues, it would mean those of us with old cards would have a massively larger card pool to choose from, most of which simply couldn't possibly be acquired by newer players. While I'm sure that sounds great to some of us with those old cards, it's not really a great way to get this new iteration off the ground.
I can understand the appeal of seeing your old cards put to fresh use, but I hope all the old-timers will take a moment to seriously consider the splitting of the community that could occur if that became generally accepted.
Personally I feel it's better for FFG to not worry about backwards compatibility and instead focus on getting the best possible game out they can.
After that if players with the old cards (like myself) wish to work them in I doubt it would be too much trouble.
Hi everyone,
i'm sure many of you will recognize me
i'm wormhole surfer known on many internet site for Netrunner
I can't tell how i'm happy to see this news but i have to admit that i am a bit depressed about the "reprint" … i should tell the new game …
i've tried for mant years to convince people @ wotc and Richard Garfield himself to reprint the game and i was in speaking since several weeks …
FFG go before me on it .. no pb my goal was just to tease and give people the enthousiasm to care about NR again …
anyway ity is a great nexs BUT
first on the new template i just don't like it … maybe i should think more objectivly but i can't runner cards are too enlighted and do'nt fit to runner universe …
but anyway that's not the most important thing
the game isn't the same !!!
i've seen the "node" card rezzable for 4 trashable for 3 , when U rez it U put on it 12 bits and gain 3 without any action at the begining of ur turn !!!
it is just broken and overpowered in the real NR .. the new game is uncompatible with the old one and that's just a shame .
we made so many balanced and usable virtual expansion and all is in the trash ! i can't beleive ut
I think many of U will tell that a such reprint is better than nothing BUT this game is not NR anymore …
Let's see how things evolve but i'm very very very sad
The original is dead and has been for a long time. You cannot seriously expect FFG to just remake it. They don't own the setting for one. I never played the original but if I had I would be excited to see it back in any way.
What's this about factions? This is new to me.
Not that I'm complaining, mind you. The more variety the better, but I don't remember factions in the original Netrunner.
Asmoridin said:
What's this about factions? This is new to me.
Not that I'm complaining, mind you. The more variety the better, but I don't remember factions in the original Netrunner.
They are on the description page. http://www.fantasyflightgames.com/edge_minisite_sec.asp?eidm=207&esem=1
There is the 4 corporations and 3 runners.
The original Netrunner had two factions: Corp and Runner, and you weren't allowed to mix them
Personally, I think the decision to not be backward compatible was the right one. It's better to start with a clean slate than to inherit a bunch of problems with old cards that don't work right with the updated rules. If it were me I wouldn't have considered it for a moment. Fans of the original game can keep playing it, and will probably come up with their own house rules for mixing the two if it seems at all possible. In fact, this has put the name of Netrunner back in the spotlight again so it will probably boost interest in the old game as well.
Having a new game which will be supported going forward and which does away with the collectible aspect of the old game is worth (to me) whatever it takes to make it happen.
I also wouldn't discount that we're learned some things about game design since Netrunner came out. It was very innovative and a great game, but that doesn't mean that every choice made was correct or cannot be improved on, especially when the environment has changed so much. Few players today want a collectible game anymore, so some changes have to be made to adapt to that too.
Anyway, I'm thinking there's a good chance we'll see this game for sale at Gencon in August which would be great.