I have bean reading a manga called Mahou Senssei Negima lately, and I started to wonder if something like kanka was possible in the Anima System? For those of you who have not read it kanka is the ability a non spellcaster to infuse magical energy into his Ki to gain enormous power. Their are two people in the series that use kanka, one of them has a natural ability to negate magic she enhanses this with kanka she, also learns to use kanka to protect herself from environmental factors like extreme heat and cold, she also enhanses her physical abilities with it. The other used of kanka infuses it into destructive ki abilities so he can create large scale destructive effects.
As far as I know of, there is nothing that allows that.
I have been tinkering with a homebrew Ki ability that requires "Zen" and "Use of Energy." It basicly allows a player to convert Ki to Zeon at a 1:5 ratio, or the reverse of Zeon to Ki at 5:1. This allows players to use some untapted powers on the fly as needed. But that is something I'm working on, but feel free to use it if you can, just post your own take on it plz.
As far as I know, Sidisessinu is correct. There is nothing in the rules to allow this, there is also nothing in the rules for Ki to interact with Psychic Powers or any supernatural ability to work with a different one. At the moment each of the supernatural abilities are completely mutually exclusive, for better or worse. If you want something like this it would require quite a few HOUSERULES, and keeping it balanced would be a nightmare.
However, having read the series, you can do anything they did with just Ki and explain it thematically as Kanko, it would have nearly the same in game effect and not need extra rules.