Branded by Khorne and assigning damage

By Compiler, in Warhammer Invasion Rules Questions

I have a question about Branded by Khorne . ( )

Do I have to assing all the damage that unit could take (equals hitpoints),

or is 1 damage token enough and the rest can be assigned to the capital zone?

Especially when Branded by Khorne is attached to Dragonmage ( )

In both cases, I believe you only need to assign 1 damage to the unit before you can assign damage to the capital. The rules say "the attacking player must assign enough damage to destroy each defending unit (including any cancellation effects) before any damage can be assigned to the defending player’s capital" . In these cases, 1 damage will be enough to destroy the defending unit, even when considering cancellation effects. If BbK is on a unit with Toughness 1, then obviously 2 damage would need to be assigned.

I just wanted to follow up with this and say I was wrong. You still need to apply enough damage to kill the unit (however much HP it has remaining), even when it has BbK on it. The reason is that BbK is not a cancellation effect, so you don't consider it. The recent rulings on Arkayne Vampire made me realize I had this one wrong. Sorry.

Dragon Mage with (or without) BbK on it still will soak up all the damage, because his effect is a cancellation effect. If he has 1 HP left, then you only need to assign 1 to him, otherwise he will soak up all of it (like Swordmasters of Hoeth).