POD in the UK?

By Gazery, in WFRP Print on Demand Expansions

Hi, does anyone know when any of these POD's are going to be available in the UK?

Thanks for any help.


Er… POD stands for Print On Demand so when you ask them to print it for you they do so.

Either you need to Order them yourself through FFG's store or you need to ask your local game shop to do so

I don't know if it is such a big help but in Germany you can order them via special retailers who are connected with the importer/local ffg partner. Maybe there's something similar in the UK.

For other POD products (such as expansions for Mansions of Madness) the UK distributor has brought a bunch of stuff over when they are issued. However for whatever reason they are not doing them same with WFRP. It looks like the only option is to order them from FFG.

FFG's calculation for postage to the uk appears to be cost of postage = cost of product. So each POD costs about 14 dollars (about 9 pound). Obviously this logic makes the post costs for anything larger than the POD to be a bit insane (but there are lots of other companies that will ship from the US for small sum of cash).

I don't know how long till they have them in stock, but I see that UK supplier Maelstrom Games have all four of the WFRP PODs on their site as "on order" for a pretty reasonable price. More than 20 quid for what probably amounts to less than 100 cards still feels a little… expensive.

Awesome, thanks extrememedium. I will hopefully purchasing them very shortly.This is exactly what I've been waiting for.