ssu cards

By Dakkon426, in Dust Tactics

Major Mishap said:

Nikoli is utter rubbish, his skill gives pretty much no bonus compared to a normal sustained attack. He's only really worth putting in a walker that does 1/* damage but these are short ranged weapons so will probably bed to move into position.

He might become good when the SSU get Heavy Walkers/Tanks.

It is a shame that his pilot skill can't be used to put him in a Burner or Airblaster.

I've just realize Nikolai skill works only with Sustained Attack… He's out form my list then :D

I don't get the thinking behind the air lift mechanic for the walkers ?

Both Natalya and Nadya want to be air lifted, but can't. Nastasia and Nikita don't want to be airlifted, but can. Only Nina seems to be a good fit.

Bartali said:

I don't get the thinking behind the air lift mechanic for the walkers ?

Both Natalya and Nadya want to be air lifted, but can't. Nastasia and Nikita don't want to be airlifted, but can. Only Nina seems to be a good fit.


No sense at all.

daniello_s said:

I've just realize Nikolai skill works only with Sustained Attack… He's out form my list then :D

Yeah, the Take Aim skill looks good until you give it a minute's thought. Then you realize it's a 16% increase in your chance to hit, only when you do sustained attack. Nikita should be firing indirectly throughout the game, so no use for Nikolai. the only real option I see for him is Nina. Get air lifted at the end of the round into the middle of the enemy, disembark with Assault for the best possible position and take a shot. Win initiative with Yacov then make a sustained attack, easily killing two walkers at once, or maybe a heavy walker in one go.

Sometimes I wonder if I play the same game as some people…

Anyway, I think that all three of the Commisars with rifles will get a UGL as the models all seem to have one. I wouldn't be surprised at all if only one of them gave assault and another gave badass, but we'll have to wait for the individual cards to find out. I love all of the helicopters, and from my play experience with them the short range of some of the weapons won't matter in the least due to their speed and ability to ignore terrain. Nikolai could be good in the Natasha with its all in one and grenade weapons, but I'll have to try it out.

Great to have it all out there now!

Humm, yeah. The Natasha has a fair chance of doing a couple of sustained attacks, which would be very deadly with All in One and Take Aim. An average of over 10 hits against Infantry 2, 8 against infantry 3, bye-bye squad with hero.

And here's my guess for the individual Commissars:


- PTRS-47

- PPSh-48 + Assault

- PPSh-48 + Assault

- PPSh-48 + Badass + 3 UGLs

If you have to choose waht would you carry with infantry transport chopper?

My choice is: Yakov + Fakyeli + Commissar with Assault + Badass (or at least with Assault). What's your?

The problem with airlifting Yakov is that you'll move him away from your troops, so nobody but his squad will benefit from that valuable improved cover, and also, they might wreak havoc, but they'll also take a pounding, meaning you're likely to lose your initiative advantage quite quickly.

No, I'd put Red Yana with the Fakyeli, and maybe a bazooka commissar. Leave the Assault commissars for the squads that will have to advance on foot.

I'd use the Commisar with Badass with my Fakyeli so that they can keep chucking their molotov cocktails.

Got some answers:

- Does Air Superiority allow a helicopter with Hover to make two Sustained Attacks in a single activation?
No. Any double attack action is always resolved as a single Sustained Attack. A helicopter with Hover and Air Superiority could remain stationary and make a single Sustained Attack action against any target, or it could take an ATTACK+MOVE or a MOVE+ATTACK activation, treating its ATTACK action as a Sustained Attack (but only if attacking another Aircraft unit).

Good one, though the rules certainly didn't indicate any of that.

- Does the Take Aim skill work on a Berserk action, turning it into a "hit on blanks" roll?


As above, a good one, even though the rules would indicate otherwise, since Take Aim works on Sustained Attacks, and Berserk is not technically a Sustained Attack.

- How does a Sustained Attack that uses Take Aim and Berserk work?

A Sustained Attack that uses Take Aim and Berserk works as follows: First the unit rolls its attack dice. All MISS results count as hits due to the Take Aim skill, which inverts the die roll during a sustained attack. After the initial roll, all HIT results are rerolled for the Sustained Attack. Finally, if any HIT results still remain, the Berserk skill allows them to be rerolled again.

And this is where things get fishy, I think Zach got a bit confused in his answer here. A normal Sustained Attack+Berserk action would involve 2 re-rolls. But Take Aim substitutes a Sustained Attack's re-roll for a single hit-on-blanks roll. So why is it that in the example above, there are still 2 re-rolls taking place? What Zach described above is actually a Sustained Attack+Berserk with the Spotter ability, not Take Aim…

And thus I'm again forced to question the value of these official answers……

Sounds like another set of "official" answers that will all be overturned the next time the FAQ gets updated.

felkor said:

Sounds like another set of "official" answers that will all be overturned the next time the FAQ gets updated.

As usual :D

I don't really see a problem with any of those answers except the last one, where I think he got just a little mixed up with what is being asked. IMO its pretty clear how Take Aim and Berzerk work anyway. Take Aim + Hit on Blanks instead of reroll on a Sustain. Berzerk = Reroll failures.

I agree, I don't have a problem with the first two answers, and it does seem he's pretty certain Take Aim affects Berserk no differently than it does Sustained Attack. He just seems to have gotten confused when describing the whole interplay between the three things. Something that is understandable but very regrettable coming from the source whose purpose is to CLEAR OUT any confusions.

I'd just email back for further clarification if something looks fishy. I can only imagine the email volume these guys get. Its hard to stay perfectly clear and consistent with the number of inquiries, and is the reason that not many other companies answer questions in such a manner. I still LMAO at the poor GW rules boys from when I got started playing Warhammer Fantasy.

Yeah, already sent him a follow-up.

K, he might not be always accurate, but at least he's fast:

Good eye. I was indeed mistaken in my previous response to your question. When making a Sustained Attack with the Take Aim skill, the die results are reversed INSTEAD of rerolling the dice. In the event that a unit is also using the Berserk skill, a Sustained Attack would be resolved as follows: An attack roll is made, reversing the die results so that MISS results are treated as HITS and vice versa, instead of making a reroll (Take Aim). After the initial roll, the unit may reroll any HIT results (Beserk). Essentially, Take Aim + Berserk allows a unit to make a single normal sustained attack, but with reversed die results.

So that's it. A Sustained Attack with Berserk and Take Aim is exactly like a Sustained Attack with Spotter. Makes sense to me.

Would single commissars models card be sent altogether with Commissar Squad or as separate stuff? If altogether I'm surprised they were not revealed the same time as Commissars squad card.

The text indicated that the Commissar box will come with cards for the full squads and for the individual troops. So probably 6 cards in all.

Yeah, I'd like them to have shown the individual cards as well. They've also not shown the card for the normal version of the Cobra.

Loophole Master said:

Yeah, I'd like them to have shown the individual cards as well. They've also not shown the card for the normal version of the Cobra.

They haven't finished putting the mistake in that card yet. When that is done the card will be posted on the website.

Now, now… no need to be mean about it… lengua.gif