Summoning Rituals

By akaitachi, in Anima: Beyond Fantasy RPG

Specifying a summoning ritual, especially one for invocations. Pg. 181 "During the time a character prepares an Invocation, he concentrates and synchronizes with it, so it is possible to use as a Passive Action." I assume this is referring to the ritual. Which is nice for summoners, for at least 5 turns of passive ritual to get a +0 to summon/control/bind.

The real question though, is, if it is passive, or even if it isn't, can a person just have a "daily hour ritual" for a +20 to using his invocation in a day? I don't see any reason you couldn't really, it doesn't specify much, and "other, simpler Rituals just need chants or gestures". Would it be too incredible to allow people this? If it doesn't work like this, how do people realistically pull of "more than fifty year" rituals? Do they need to specify ahead of time, and they can never push the ritual ahead of time?

Thoughts, comments, concerns, rude remarks? If a psychic can concentrate with "passive concentration" forever, is it too crazy to allow a summoner something like this?

I do believe you can do a daily hour ritual for one invocation, however, that invocation has to be decided upon at the start of the ritual and can't be changed, later.

As far as more than fifty year rituals go, I actually take that to mean more like the working of a large cult, where in the summoner may or may not be involved, or may still be in training while the preparation is being done, only to enter only at the conclusion of those 50 years, perform the summoning, and be done with it.

I agree with AlphaWhelp, there is no reason not to allow a character to do this that I can think of. But, in addition, if they are doing this others can notice it, meaning they could be reported to the church (remember, being a Summoner is effectively "illegal"). Further, as far as I know they can only be doing one ritual at a time. Thus if they begin a ritual for a certain Invocation they cannot do any other rituals until it is finished, and as AlphaWhelp stated they have to choose what they are "charging" when they start the ritual, so that is the only invocation they can use.

As per a 50 year ritual…I don't see humans doing 50-year rituals unless they are a cult, like AlphaWhelp said, I see that for more of Monster Summoners - if they live forever and do not need to eat, drink, or sleep a 50-year ritual wouldn't be much for them.

Finally, I do not believe ritual times are decided beforehand. You start one and charge it as long as you dare. If they start a ritual they plan to spend 50-years on but are about to die and decide to use it after 20-years they gain the bonus they have accumulated so far. Same with the day ritual, if they start it and need it one hour later they can use it with the bonus for a 1-hour ritual.

Okay, good, these are some of the assumptions I made too. I just wanted to check the acceptance of other players, and make sure there is some sense of it.

In my current campaign, a ritual would be a little more accepted (it is a homebrew world), but still, you would have to designate how big of a ritual and what for. A powerful demon would probably want blood, and that wouldn't fly at all. I had a player trying to pull of a summoner back at the beginning, but didn't have a grasp of how your actions influence things in this system, and ended up frying himself with a summon check.

Thank you for all of the feed back!