Phi6891 said:
So can you use a fate point to re-roll your Willpower characteristic if you roll 95-00? Seeing you are using a characteristic and not your weapon skill?
Personally I'd say yes as the Psychic Blade powers says "Once manifested treat the Psychic Blade as a sowrd wielded by the Psyker (though it does not require a free hand) that requires no Melee training to use, but cannot Parry. To strike with the Psychic Blade the telekine uses their Willpower Characteristic rather than Weapon Skill"
On page 194 The Attack says "To make a melee attack with a hand-held weapon you must be engaged with your target. Test Weapon Skill"
Now I read the power, when combined with the second quote, as meaning you simply subsitute WS for WP for the test so it is a test and as such can be re-rolled by spending a Fate Point. That's my opinion on the matter anyway though I'll admit I haven't read the previous thread on the issue mentioned by Darth Smeg and my approach can be idiosyncratic at times, I also recognise that this interpretation could open the power to spectacular levels of abuse.
I don't s'pose you have a link to the thread for a frazzled GM who's just finished a long session please