Black Crusade PbP

By Brolthemighty, in Black Crusade

So I'm trying to get a Black Crusade PbP together, seeing as I can't seem to get a group together IRL to play it (mostly through lack of a GM.) Coincidentally, I'm having a hard time finding a GM for the PbP as well. Anyone know of one?

Nobody huh? No GM's interested, or know of any?

I'd be interested in playing. I could serve as an interim GM for a while, but my life is kind of in shambles right now. So I'm not sure how much time I can commit to it.

If I were to run, I'd probably move the game to RPOL, so that the game is easy to access and manage (although there are things about the site I hate). Also, I'd probably base the game on the demo adventure to start.

Let me know what you think.

EDIT: I'm having huge problems posting on this forum. Send me an e-mail. scooterinab@hotmail, Subject: Black Crusade game