Museum of Cthulhu

By Surreal, in Call of Cthulhu Deck Construction

There was discussion about Cthulhu and Miskatonic deck. Here is my version.

Museum Curator will find Khopesh of the Abyss and other important cards. Other Miskatonic cards provide card advantage. Dimensional Rift to wipe board if your tempo is too left behind. Deck should win other Cthulhu decks but might be weak against other decks. Weak against ancient ones because characters are not too strong. Rush deck with good starting hand is trouble also. Emerging Deep One only there against Cthulhu. Only 1x Snow Graves might be too random. Should maybe replace, I think 2x Temple is way better. I think Notebook Sketches is underplayed card. Cthulhu doesn't have very strong character which cost 1 or 2 so deck might be bit slow.

Character (31)
Museum Curator (TWB) x3
Emerging Deep One (TSotS) x3
Carl Stanford (SoA) x2
Archaeology Interns (IT) x3
Dr. Laban Shrewsbury (WaB) x2
Guardian Shoggoth (Core) x3
Brood of Yig (WitD) x3
Dreamlands Fanatic (ItDoN) x3
Innsmouth Troublemaker (Core) x3
Keeper of the Golden Path (Core) x3
Degenerate Serpent Cultist (TWB) x3

Support (11)
Khopesh of the Abyss (TSS) x3
Dimensional Rift (SoA) x2
Y'ha-nthlei Statue (AoA) x2
Notebook Sketches (AtMoM) x3
Snow Graves (AtMoM) x1 ( or Temple of R'lyeh (NN) x1 )

Event (8)
Deep One Assault (Core) x3
Unearthing the Ancients (Core) x3
Pulled Under (Core) x2