We had our first game of Android last night. We had to stop half way through after playing for 3½ hours, it was getting late and some of my fellow players had lost interest since the game was very confusing and moved quite slowly at the same time.
We all agreed that we really liked the theme and most of the mechanics, so the game definitely deserves a replay some day when we have more time on our hands. But we also agreed that the game has a problem with its pace - it is a very slow game - especially if you want to follow the plots of the other players and try to guess their hunches.
Its clear that it was our first time with Android, and a lot of our time went with learning the game, but still after that we would estimate it to be on the slow side. So what I want to hear is, do any of you have experiences or tricks that could pace up the game?
I'm not talking about the total play time of the game, I'm fine with games that takes on the plus side of five hours, but I would really like to hear how the pace of the game could be altered, and how downtime for 'inactive' players could be minimized.