I would like to hear from other Thrones Board Game fanatics some strategies they have found that work for house Tyrell in a 6 man game. The way I see it, they are the most hamstrung to start the game. Limited access to castles, and Crowns(the painted kind on the board). No stars to start the game from the Raven Track which is brutal. And the only house to truly have 3 enemies close enough to battle with them early in the game.
On the positive side, they have an above average deck. Its no Greyjoy deck, but the queen of Thorns card is one of the best 0 cards, if not the best in the game(argument for patchface in Baratheon, but you have to time it right), Mace is strong, and Ser Loras card is huge as an army destroyer and a late game castle grabber. Another positive is that the land and sea areas are very insulated and you can set up a very tough defense to break through. Final Positive, you can get to 6 barrells for supply realitively easily. That allows you to be a major force later in the game.
Who are Tyrells best allies. What first moves would you make. How much focus on the sea. Which 7 castles are the best to target.
Will write my thoughts later, but at work and out of time.