Should we be expecting anything more? (Cross post from BGG)

By player559002, in Tannhauser

(I am quite new to the Tannhauser so please excuse my ignorance on the topic!)

Well it seems that Tannhauser has now reached a point where it has 4* fully playable factions (Reich, Union, Matriarchy and Shogunate**), a pair of Mercs (Wolf and Gorgei), three map/scenario Operation packs (Daedalus, Hinansho and Novgorod) and even a Minotaur (Binky).

It also has a Revised Rulebook and Character/Equipment cards to make sure everything is playable with the latest rules and also a ton of bonus tokens to mix things up with.

Now then, do you think anything more will be coming from FFG to support the game or do you think that the game could now be considered "complete"?

If there is more would you expect miniatures or perhaps support such as a scenario/campaign book or further maps to vary the gaming area?

Does anybody have any information of confirmed upcoming releases or perhaps previews spotted from FFG?

In short, what do you think happens next? Other than the novel coming out…

* The Optimal Russ number for listeners of the D6G.

** By mixing the Reich/Shogunate (Nippon Accord) and Union/Matriarchy (UMTOMA) figures you can effectively have "6" factions.

This game has actuallay been made to be expanded. It aims for the kind of players who like to collect and try various combinations of game components like characters, items, maps etc. So, yes, there will be new chars, maps, etc., given that it sells well enough. It will stop as soon as the players´ interest and sale numbers drop.

We have some kind of break now, as no new expansions are announced (except the book). I suppose FFG plans its next move, maybe even thinking about ending the series or not.

I dont think FFG is likely to publish more. Unlike Katsuyori my feeling is that the game is not selling that well. It is increasingly difficult to find Tannhauser or its expansions in shops in Spain.The only expansion widely available is Novgorod, the others I had to find online. Its also not demoed or played in the events I have been to.

Tannhauser fills a niche, its a small scope tactical game for those that do not want to invest in bigger titles and its all contained in one box, with a board.

Other games as Dust Tactics have a lot more expansions, factions, and in the end are more simmilat to games as Warhammer…

I like Tannhauser because I can "easily" get to own every expansion, its not a huge investment and I may get to use almost everything… From an editor perspective is just not as good business.

Compared with dust tactics Tannahuser revenue for FFG must be peanuts, I guess they will invest more in that kind of games as the ROI is higer, just economics unfortunately for tannhauser.

What I would like to see is more fan content! but it seems that also the online community is not as wide as with other games…

Moebius said:

Unlike Katsuyori my feeling is that the game is not selling that well.

Must be a misunderstanding. Maybe my clumsy english is to blame: I do not have the feeling that the game is selling very well. To be true, I am not to optimistic seing new stuff, for the same reasons as Moebius stated ;)

On the other hand, FFG released several new TH sets in short order during last year's autumn and winter. It would be quite reasonable if they take a break now to promote other games and closely watch the sales their TH product actually generates.

We should also take the announcement of the TH novels into consideration. If they are exciting and well-written, the books could increase interest in the game. Why should FFG even start a TH novel line if they already decided to stop releasing new game material?

??! said:

We should also take the announcement of the TH novels into consideration. If they are exciting and well-written, the books could increase interest in the game. Why should FFG even start a TH novel line if they already decided to stop releasing new game material?

True, true. That is the reason why I still have hopes for the game. I suppose the novel is supposed to have the sideeffect of making the setting more known among potential players.

I agree on that

The novel is the best move ffg could do. Not only they make revenue on an IP they have already paid but also may expand the fanbase at the same time. Also the novel is an ideal settingnto introduce a new character that may be released afterwards as an expansion.

what worries me though is that low cost activities such as organized community management or at le ast release of the long overdue FAQ are not done, that is not a good sign

Just seen a banner ad for Edison so I guess at least one more figure is on its way. Good news.

Okay, that answers this topic's question of course. Great news! Oh, and by the way, check the wish list in my signature! I didn't change it after reading this!

Great news. The legend continues!

Wow! I am really excited, this looks like a really interesting hero. Here's hoping that a Reich demon may be in the future!

Great news! I bet they read this thread and reacted within days! lengua.gif

Moebius said:

Great news! I bet they read this thread and reacted within days! lengua.gif

Why don't they read all the threads where we ask rules questions?

Thanks for sharing all this info.

Just a quick post to say I am taking total credit for these new release ; )

Seriously though this is excellent news, play up FF!

Although I´d prefer some new shogunate character. Edison seems interesting and cool, but Union already has so many options right now…

TinTin said:

Just a quick post to say I am taking total credit for these new release ; )

You are right of course, thanks a lot! Now please start new topics titled:

"Should we be expecting new Shogunate or Reich characters?" and

"Should we be expecting a new FAQ?"

Don't hold your breath for that FAQ.

Katsuyori said:

Although I´d prefer some new shogunate character. Edison seems interesting and cool, but Union already has so many options right now…

Totally agrre with you in that point.

I'd also like to see more Shogunate characters

I'd also like to see some new Shogunate characters, but I think there's some sense in announcing a new Union character. First point is, there have been no new releases for the Union and the Reich lately, only Shogunate and Matriarchy characters. Now it's the Union's (and I hope the Reich's) turn to get some support. On top of that, it is likely that a Union character is going to sell better than a Shogunate character because everyone who has bought the core game will be able to use a Union character, but only those who have already invested in the Shogunate will probably buy a new Shogunate character - unless of course it's so powerful that everyone just has to use it.

So releasing a new Union character (probably followed by a new Reich character) is a logical move that will please many customers. And a new hero that is well-recieved will lead to the release of yet more product, so we should be fine with it.

Not untrue what ??! said. It´s logical and reasonable, but imho the game should be balanced regarding factional options before it is time that releases "take turns". New factions should be boosted until the stand equal to the others.

As a customer who has already spent some serious amount of money on the shogunate (1 Troop pack, 3 hero packs, 1 board expansion), and has the desire to play the team with alternating chars of the same faction, it is still my opinion, despite ??!´s good and true argumentation, that Shogunate should be next and next and next until each faction has the same amount of characters +/- 1 or so.