Epic spell trait

By In hoc signo vinces, in Warhammer Invasion Rules Questions

Hi to everyone,

My question is: are Epic Spell. cards, Epic. cards and S pell. cards, or neither?

Usually, different traits are separated by a comma, so in order for Epic spell cards to be both Epic and Spell, it should be written: Epic. Spell. But at the same time, an Epic Spell. being neither Epic. , nor a Spell. makes little sense.

If you wonder why do I care, here is the answer: I want to use "Blessing of Asuryan" to return Epic Spells on the top of my deck and then play "Comet of Casandora".

A trait can consist of more than one word, this is the case here. The trait is "Epic Spell". It's a trait of its own, so effects referencing the "Spell" trait only, like Blessing of Asuryan, don't work on these cards.

You can see the "Epic Spell" trait referenced on this upcoming card:
