Warhammer LCG Products

By bcflood, in Fantasy Flight Supply

Hello there! I recently picked up the Warhammer LCG and have really enjoyed it. I thought I'd toss in my voice suggesting that FFG release some accessory products related to this product. I know there are card sleeves, very artful ones, for Lord of the Rings and Star Wars, and a couple Cuthulu and Thrones ones, but I'd really like to see artfully done sleeves for the different factions in Warhammer.

While I am dreaming of cool accessories, I'd also like to see some battle mats available for regular purchase. I thought the ones handed out as prizes for the 2012 regionals looked really cool, and others agreed we'd purchase them if available. Deck boxes would be nice. Speaking of regionals, the wooden tokens handed out a previous regionals for tracking damage/actions were drooled over there, and would undoubtedly be snapped up if offered for sale.

While I was at the card store yesterday for the Warhammer LCG regionals, I couldn't help but notice all the many accessories available for a certain popular CCG. I know this game doesn't have quite the audience as the popular CCG, but it would still be nice to show off cool artwork and accessories while playing in the stores and with friends.

Thanks :)

Some Warhammer card sleeves would be pretty sweet. Really, having any accessories, like you said, would be awesome. I'd grab some as well :)