Will a NPC suppliment come out?

By Guest, in Grimm RPG

I know the book itself (amazing work btw FFG) has a ton of info, but I come from Exalted where not a single book out of the 24 so far has less than 100 pages of background fluff.

I understand that all you need to do is search for childish stories and make them morbid, but for me that is hard to do, also finding concept art to describe the NPCs is very hard.

I don't recommend Deviant or the internet for searching for morbid grimm things...lol...all sorts of sick people out there.

Without meaning to come as the bearer of bad news, I highly doubt Fantasy Flight Games will issue so much as a short story on the website. They do good work, but as has been mentioned elsewhere, they don't (for better or worse) make their money through RPG supplements.

To be honest, I don’t really know why FFG do a lot of the things they do. It’s obvious when they apply themselves and really care about a line they put out some real quality stuff…but, they have some products, like Grimm, Battlelore, and WFRP (for example) that just sit and sit and sit, even though they have descent sized fan bases just waiting for ANYTHING.

Now, I fully understand that they might not make enough money by supplementing these products…but, if that is the case, I wonder why they picked them up, or retained them, instead of letting someone else who really wants to put some effort into them carry the line? It just seems strange.

Maybe I am the exception here, but I have no problem fleshing out backstories for NPCs. Then again, I plan on being a career author. If you need a few ideas, I wouldn't mind giving you a hand, darkkami.

Go for it. I think their is a thread about NPC ideas somewhere in this forum.

Sweet. I'll have to look for that.

Because of the niche market this book kinda fills there is no point in releasing more material and honestly it wouldn't be that hard to make up your own stuff. The book pretty much is self contained. You really don't need anything else other than some players and your imagination and of course the book.

personally i just got the book and i have to say i love it, though being the FFG devote that i am i would love to get some more books for this system

I love this game and the way it is made. It is similar to 7th sea in that the authors give you just enough information to make some amazing stories. Just sit down and go over the side quests they include, many of them are good enough to be stretched out into a whole adventure.

Yes they are Greenlantern92. I also have quite a bit of source material I have created on my own and that I take from various sources when I know my nieces and other players are interested in something. Spiderwick was the last bit of inspiration I was using and my game was very much in the realm of Spiderwick. I also have been toying with the Wonderland stuff. I've hinted at it but haven't gone there just yet. It is understandable that some folks new to the game and evening RPGing in general could be a little lost in how to best approach the subject matter and how to create it even bad guys. So the odd web enhancement might even be the way to go.