New GM here Have a couple questions..

By Silvershock, in Deathwatch Gamemasters

Hi been a fan of the warhammer / 40k universe for a long time now and finally found some players in my area whom are interested in starting a campaign, after the first session was a success i'm looking into grabbing some books to add to my collection..

What I firstly need feedback on are which books should I get .. this week I can grab two

I plan on making the next purchase ( after the campaign setting / core rule book ) of being Deathwatch: Mark of the Xenos

What should the other book I grab be, keeping in mind that It will probably be a while before I can grab another..

If you could please tell me why you reccomend a particular book over another I'd greatly appreciate the feedback…

I have questions on the rules of the game that I found odd, but before bombarding the forums with questions others have surely asked I plan to read more and ask later…

Thanks again for any replies ! =)


Well… that depends. Rites of Battle is the Advanced Player's Handbook for Deathwatch, including things like an extended armory, advanced specialties, and vehicles. It also includes rules for making your own chapters, using successor chapters, and playing an Imperial Fist, though the ImpFist rules are… not the best in the game.

First Founding has rules for playing Iron Hands, Raven Guard, Salamanders and White Scars, as well as advanced rules for the four First Founding chapters in the Core book and the ImpFists and chapter-specific weaponry and wargear. Fun for running a game of First Founding marines and necessary for playing IH, RG, Sallies or WS, but otherwise just a bonus book- not exactly necessary.

Achilus Assault and Jericho Reach are two books which kinda go hand-in-hand. They're setting books that are great for campaign ideas, but they're not very heavy on rules. Not necessary, but very helpful if you're building your own campaign.

Mark of the Xenos is the monster manual, and I'd say it's pretty required- but you've got that on your list.

The Emperor Protects is a decent adventure trilogy, and I know my players enjoyed it, but if you intend to write your own campaign, it's rather pointless to have it.

Final verdict: I'd say the most useful book out of the ones you don't have on your list (that is, the Core Rulebook and Mark of the Xenos) is Rites of Battle.

Awesome thanks for the heads up …

Yeah was looking at Rites of battle, didn't know it was the extended players handbook.. def required..

so thinking of picking up mark of xenos, and rites of battle, was thinking though if ordering the two of those might as well get a third.. lol

so then it comes down to which of the two Achillus Assault or Jericho Reach ..

The emperor protects would be interesting however planning on making the campaign myself..

Thanks again for the imput =)

Achilus Assault has more to do with the war effort, while Jericho Reach is more about the Reach itself and the Deathwatch in the Reach. Personally, I prefer Jericho Reach, but I've used both for my campaign.

I would recommend Rites of Battle . It seems to me that it has more 'rules stuff' that you should have on Day One. First Founding is cool, but not that vital right out of the gate. If one of your players insists on using one of the Chapters detailed in FF , make him but it!

Achilus Assault and Jericho Reach are both extremely helpful books if you're running in the Reach and making your own game, but if I *had* to choose one I'd go with Jericho Reach. I think it also has a higher page count.. probably has a higher price to reflect that. Also has more crunch, for players and you.

Another option that I've found immensly helpful is buying a second core rule book. But if your determined to get a new book then my vote would goto "The Jericho Reach" it has 237 pages vs the 142 pages of "The Achilus Assault" and had more relivent stat bats in my opinion.

Monday i'm putting in the order for Rites of Battle, Mark of the Xenos … and I think Jericho Reach based on your suggestions ..

The Help is much appreciated as i had no idea which of the two ( Jericho / Achilus ) books to grab…

Can't wait to dig into them ! =)