Funny story.

By Guest, in War of the Ring

So I decided after looking at all of the images on board game geek that I would paint WoR....yeah so there I am priming everything and get about half way through painting the minis....then A.D.D. hits and now I am left with a half painted army, and a reminder for why I stopped warhammer. lol

Anyone else ever ran into this issue?

My take on minis has always been that if the sculpt is good, painting is unnecessary. If the sculpt is bad, painting won't help. Besides, I hate painting.

A well painted army does look nice. I was considering painting the bases just to make setup a little easier, but put that idea on hold. If I can get my hands on the CE (if it ever comes out), then I will forego that idea. However, if I don't manage to get one, then yes, base painting is in store.

But I do agree with efidm. That and the fact that I don't really have the patience or skill to do the job justice.

I tried painting the minis, but was stalled half way through, and now I can't play the game because, well... the painting isn't finished. And I can't find the time to finish it.

tyranobullterier said:

I tried painting the minis, but was stalled half way through, and now I can't play the game because, well... the painting isn't finished. And I can't find the time to finish it.

That's why i paint only one faction per time :) This way to proceed is longer to finish the work, but i'm sure i can play even if the minis are partially painted.

Tsugo said:

. That and the fact that I don't really have the patience or skill to do the job justice.

actually, it's not that hard.

it's pretty easy to paint them to look reasonably well, since they'll be moving around a lot and you'll not look at them up close.

of course, if you plan to put the figures on the shelf just for showing off - it's different story.

I tried painting some minis back in my teenage years, and while they weren't horrendus, after seeing what some of my friends can do for their Warhammer armies, I figured I'd err on the side of caution, and not ruin what are otherwise decent scuplts. (Especially after seeing an attempt at moding a heroclix sentinal to look like Captian America)

Antigoth said:

I tried painting some minis back in my teenage years, and while they weren't horrendus, after seeing what some of my friends can do for their Warhammer armies, I figured I'd err on the side of caution, and not ruin what are otherwise decent scuplts. (Especially after seeing an attempt at moding a heroclix sentinal to look like Captian America)

well, it helps on the board pretty much, even if you just dip them in different colors.