"Cthulhu is Calling" Again - May 12th at Guardian Games in Portland

By Yipe, in CoC Organized Play

Yep, Cthulhu is Calling again. I guess you can't keep an eternally slumbering Ancient One down.

Want to play Call of Cthulhu while drinkin' some brews? Here's what you need to know:

WHERE? Guardian Games (back in the bar as usual)


WHEN? Saturday, May 12th

WHAT TIME? 1-5 PM (feel free to arrive late or leave early)

I'll have domain and story cards to give away, and decks on hand for beginners to test out the game. It's also a great time to preregister for the Regional Championship on June 23rd. Anyone who preregisters gets a nifty Cthulhu domain marker.

Hope to see you there!



Awesome….Looking forward to another session!

If you gentlemen and ladies would be so kind…

Could I get a headcount on who's planning to attend? That way I can reserve enough tables in the bar. We don't want anyone to be left out in the cold, err, non-beer-drinkin' part of the store. That would just be wrong. So very wrong.

I'll be there…likely even earlier and staying later. In case Tony and Clay don't respond, I know they are planning on attending as well. So, three from the westside!

Our Cthulhu is Calling day was another success! The games were hard-fought and the cold beer (or in my case, hard lemonade) tasty.

Due to Mother's Day weekend, this time we only had 7 players show up, though one was new to our group so we're continuing to expand our player base. We're well on our way to having over 10 players at the Portland regionals next month (June 23rd for those interested in attending). That's not too shabby for a game that had no local presence just a few months back.

In a bit of Mythos-inspired madness, we also started a tradition where the winner buys the loser a beer. I think that might become part of our tournament and league night rules…