Idea of Adding RTS-like Resource Collection and Mid-Scenario Deployments

By jmp120, in Dust Tactics

I was discussing Dust Tactics with a friend of mine and we came up with an interesting scenario. Playing with a 25 tiles (5x5) and having several Terrain Tiles to represent Vk "mines" located in different squares around the map. Vk is mined either manually by a squad or by some sort of mining vehicle (which would mine it at a faster rate.) Vk would be mined each time the mining unit was activated. Vk could then be used as AP to deploy new units. Players would need to balance between defending their mines, capturing new mines, and depriving their opponent of mines in order to win.

Has anyone attempted something similarâ–º

This sounds like a cool concept, but it seems it only works for very long battles on large boards with many units.

This sounds very cool and can make the game more epic in nature. I hope to try it out sometime, but I am currently introducing new people to the game. Once more people have experience I hope to try out some scenarios like this.

If you try it out, please post your results and what about of VK you think should come per round to turn into army points.

Take care and have a great day.

To make it more scalable and easier to handle I would suggest playing what I'd describe as Domination :

  1. A normal map (81 squares) would have 3 Vk-squares. Add more of them on larger maps. Distribute them evenly, and most of them towards the center.
  2. Every new round you get Vk from a Vk-square if you have a unit standing on it.
  3. The amount of Vk you get depends on the army point cost of the unit standing on it, as seen in the unit card. Divide it by ten and round downwards to closest integer. For example, if your units army points are equal to 35, you do 35 / 10 = 3,5 = 3 Vk.
  4. When you get the Vk you may decide if it the sum you get will be used to purchase extra Action Points the next time it's your turn, or if it will just stay as Vk. If you want it to become action points you get 1 AP extra the next turn for every 2 Vk you spend. You may only do this when you get the Vk, and may not use "old" Vk that you obtained from previous turns to purchase extra AP:s. (A variant here is to also introduce special skills and other stuff you can purchase for Vk, like for example re-fill of ammo etc, according to pre-established pricing tables. I'd advise against taking it that far the first times you play this though…)

Game length: Depends on map size, but 8 to 10 turns for normal map size.

Victory conditions

  1. As usual, oblitareate all enemy units.
  2. Or control all Vk-sources on the map for two rounds in a row.
  3. Be the first to collect x amount of Vk.


Resolve draws by looking at the amount of Vk-sources controlled, Vk gathered and army points killed.

Really liking this idea. This opens up a plethora of creative design for campaigns. Like for isntance when you build your VK mine, you have options to fortify its posotion from opposing forces. Barbed wire, Baracades and the such could purchased to defend your little nest egg.

Another really cool thing would be to add defense turrets or bunkers for troops to dig in. I would like to see a defensive turret design for the game. Might do one up myself later today.