Hello all I've been reading up on the Ars Magnus,( I'm trying to make a brood from breath of fire by using blood of the great beast and transformation: Eliodon) and I decided to reread on Transformation: Rupture of Destiny. It is a really cool ability but there is something I noticed that has confused me. The DP cost of this ability is 100DP and must come out of the Primary ability limit. The Primary limit at most is 60% and since this is a major ars magnus it can not be bought at level 1 because of the requirements. Therefore it must be bought later but with the limit you can only spend up to 60 DP which is not enough to get the ability. So my question is how is a character supposed to get this ability if it cost 100DP and the max you can use for primary each level is 60DP max?
Also as I have been playing I have had to create a few creatures for summoning and the stats look okay but I just don't know if I have been doing them completely correct. The main thing I want to know is for making a between worlds creature do you use the development points of it's level to buy essential abilities, powers and base stats, or do you use the level DP for the base stats and the essential and powers are bought with something else? I have been using the DP given by the level,(so a level 1 creature has 600) and have been using them to buy everything which causes that the more essential abilities and powers you purchase the lower the base stats of the creature become. Am I doing this correctly or is there something I am missing?
I am also having trouble with creating a specter. I want to make Raziel from Soul reaver and thought that a specter with the ability to be incarnated but with the disadvantage of degeneration would be the best way. However when I read on how to make a specter it says to use the rules of souls and spirits which say that I have to invest 100 DP just because it is a spirit or in other words they would have another level because of it. What does this mean? Do I have to spend 100DP on something? Does the specter start with 100DP less then it should for it's level? Do I apply a level modifier to him? It is really confusing me and I need some help because I want to put him in the bottom of some discovered ruins with puzzles to unseal him but I want to be sure that he is made correctly.