Aiming bursts and full-auto?

By Schlaghund2, in Dark Heresy Rules Questions

Simple question:

Can I aim and follow up with a semi-auto burst or full-auto attack?

So far I cannot find a rule that prohibits this... If I'm wrong, please give me the relevant page number(s).



I don't think so though I would allow it for the first shots of the combat.

Say the pc's are waiting to ambush a group of mutants, the Assassin aims at the big one in front, finally the mutant is close enough and the assassin opens fire blasting the mutant to pieces.

After the initial attack I wouldn't allow it anymore. and all hits should be assigned to the first target.

You can aim full auto and semi auto fire. You just have to do it the turn before you fire, because both semil and auto are full actions.

Of course, how else do you expect to hit hit a guy 7 times with 10 shots? Practice? Please.

MOAR DAKKA !!!!1!!

@serialkilla: LoL, you win the thread!

@Santiago & Ripper: I think both of you are right. There seems to be no rule that prohibits this, but reasons of practicallity will limit this combo to ambush situations at the start of a combat.

Schlaghund said:

Simple question:

Can I aim and follow up with a semi-auto burst or full-auto attack?

So far I cannot find a rule that prohibits this... If I'm wrong, please give me the relevant page number(s).



Simple answer:



Well, ambush at the start of the combat, or you have friends that are closer to the enemy, causing a ruckus, while you lay down well placed covering fire.

Single shot, aim, full auto, repeat.

I let my players aim for all they are worth, full auto or not.

But if they take a hit (damage taken or not) before they get they get to fire their weapon they lose their aim. Same goes if they are caught in suppression fire.

Aim = possible waste of actions, but nice bonuses if you pull it off.

Serialkilla said:

I let my players aim for all they are worth, full auto or not.

But if they take a hit (damage taken or not) before they get they get to fire their weapon they lose their aim. Same goes if they are caught in suppression fire.

Aim = possible waste of actions, but nice bonuses if you pull it off.

Hmm... Maybe allow them a WP Roll to keep aiming benefits... Nerves of Steel could add to this roll, losing more than TB gives a negative modifier. Just some thoughts, though.

Schlaghund said:

Serialkilla said:

I let my players aim for all they are worth, full auto or not.

But if they take a hit (damage taken or not) before they get they get to fire their weapon they lose their aim. Same goes if they are caught in suppression fire.

Aim = possible waste of actions, but nice bonuses if you pull it off.

Hmm... Maybe allow them a WP Roll to keep aiming benefits... Nerves of Steel could add to this roll, losing more than TB gives a negative modifier. Just some thoughts, though.

Unless they are hit with a BB gun (literally) the character will flinch, get shook up or otherwise react to getting hit, I.E loose the aim. The player may look down at his sheet and say "Lose my aim??But i took no damage?!!?" Where I, as GM say "No, but that 10mm high velocity round still packs a punch.."

And I really wanna avoid more rolls if possible happy.gif