Axis force painting progress

By khairul, in Dust Tactics

Hi everyone. My name is Khairul and am from Malaysia. I'm very new to the Dust universe and haven't even played a single Dust Tactics game yet lengua.gif . But I've totally fallen in love with the alternate WW2 timeline concept and the beautiful models. Really love those axis walkers.

I've recently bought both the original and revised core set and split the forces up with a very good friend. We're really looking forward to playing the tabletop version of the game.

Just wanted to share some of pics of the first model i painted up; the axis light walker Hans. I truly appreciate any and all comments.

Cheers everyone happy.gif







Good job on the chipping and nice, effective camo scheme. Good touch with that totenkopf decal.

It seems that even though you're new with the DT universe, you're handling painting minis like a veteran!

Thanks for the kind words man. The totenkopf decal is from the Flames of War SS decal set.

Kinda figured that they would be the first unit to be given this new weapons technology ;)

My foray into painting miniatures started with 1/72 scale WW2 aircrafts way back before starting with

miniature wargames. I've stopped that hobby since but the techniques are similar.

Hence the luftwaffe camo pattern. Looking forward to my first game this friday night!!

That's great work. Ever thought of using weathering powders?

Thanks mgentile. Appreciate the comment :)

I have bought some MIG powders but must confess that i don't actually know how to use it.

If you look closely at the legs of my walker you'll see that i've directly dusted europe dust.

Just didnt apply alcohol to make it stick. I'll experiment with my medium walker Ludwig,

which i'm currently working on.

Started work on my Ludwig last nite.


I airbrushed vallejo grey primer on the left barrel to make kill rings.


Then used scotch low tack brand tape to mask the rings.


Didn''t like the fish markings so got rid of it using Vallejo model color 868 Dark Seagrey. The is a perfect match for the factory primed model i think. Also sprayed the the area previously coated with the grey primer.


Then masked all the area i wanted to remain grey. It was done randomly, how i felt would make the camo pattern look nice.


Then airbrushed all the parts with Vallejo model color 979 German Camo Dark Green. I primarily use vallejo paints now, both the hobby and model color. Haven''t tried the model air range though. Then comes the fun part. Carefully and slowly removing the masking tape :)


I''ll start painting the metallic areas tomorrow followed by several thin coats of Future floor polish in preparation for detail washing using oils and gw washes. Goodnite everyone. Happy hobbying.

I used to not like the powders either but with your skill they will be easy to add on. Let me know if your interested and ill post some pics and the company I buy from.

Yes, am very interested. Would really appreciate the pics and company info.

Thanks man!!

khairul said:

Yes, am very interested. Would really appreciate the pics and company info.

Thanks man!!

Im working on some new pics but here is who I buy powders from- Bragdon Enterprises they are at look under weathering systems. They have huge viles of powder compared to Mig and FOW and are much cheaper. I just apply them with an old brush. Here are a few pics"

photo10.jpg GermanLightWalkerAA2.jpg

Thanks for sharing man. I really love your light walker!! The rust effect is amazing. And thanks for sharing the Bragdon porducts info. You're right, they really have a huge range to choose from.

Which ones did you get and used on your walker above? And how easy is it to use? Shamelessly asking for photo tutorials (WIP) if you have some.

Cheers man!!

khairul said:

Thanks for sharing man. I really love your light walker!! The rust effect is amazing. And thanks for sharing the Bragdon porducts info. You're right, they really have a huge range to choose from.

Which ones did you get and used on your walker above? And how easy is it to use? Shamelessly asking for photo tutorials (WIP) if you have some.

Cheers man!!

Dont feel any shame man were are all here for the same thing, to share our interests and ideas. I got both weathering kits with the Orange and Pink labels, they have all the rust colors and the soot and ash colors.

May application is simple. After I have applied any wash/highlighting to the model I then do my sponge techniques for the mud and bare metal affects. Then I go for it with the powders. I like to use the dark then light color rusts as this can be very dramatic. I place them in natural cracks and such places where water would naturally pool up to make rust. I dont think you can really go wrong where you place them. The soot i used over exhaust grates, etc…. sometime on the gun barrels but highlighting black seems to work just as good and does not rub off in handling until clear coated. After all this I then use 2 coats of a clear gloss and 2 of a matt clear and Finished!!!

Good luck with the powders and let me know if you need any assistance. Like I said based on what you have posted it will be a natural and easy transition for you and you will achieve great results im sure.