Shub Conspiracy

By Surreal, in Call of Cthulhu Deck Construction

Ok, my first deck. No idea if this is good. Basic idea is to get Negotium as fast as possible (The Red-Gloved Man or Shocking Transformation) and stall to get better characters out. Lot of search effects to make deck work smooth. Could use some more powerful come into play effects. Deck might be too slow and not work against removal. Also might be better with Yog + some discard pile and draw more shenanigans. Comments welcome.

Total Cards (50)

Character (33)

2 x Shub-Niggurath (TC)

3 x Y'Golonac

1 x Nodens

3 x The Red-Gloved Man

3 x Priestess of Bubastis

2 x Rampaging Dark Young

3 x Jaguar Warrior

3 x Hungry Dark Young

3 x Gibbering Soul

3 x Ferocious Dark Young

3 x Tithe Collector (stall, maybe replace)

2 x The Mage Known as Magnus

2 x Grasping Chthonian (could be 2 x Thunder in the East)

Support (6)

3 x Dimensional Rift (something went wrong reset)

3 x Under the Porch

Event (9)

3 x Broken Space, Broken Time

3 x Feed Her Young

3 x Shocking Transformation

Conspiracy (2)

2 x Negotium Perambulans in Tenebris

Best play would be stall and search more guys and Magnus can remove some threats. Then activate Dimensional Rift right time and clear table -> get Shub-Niggurath somehow in play and get all Dark Young back -> easy win.

one suggestion, if you go with thunder in the east, is use burrowing beneath instead.

i know thunder APPEARS to be the better card at lower cost and a draw 1, but if memory serves it can only be used in your turn. very very limiting when the opponent whacks down a khopesh and you can't 'burrow beneath' it straight away.

also, if i were playing against a shub deck i would have 1 or 2 copies of negotium perambulas doovie thingie, and sit one in my hand if i see any dark young coming out in case of the shub niggurath move, play it, and suddenly the majority (if not all) are trapped in a 10 success story, right back at ya.

if this is your plan maybe incorporate a couple of watchers in the woods etc, less cool effects, but higher skill and icons.

my bad, negotium is COST 2 not skill 2 as my stoopid head told me.


if you're playing a discard deck hand then you'll be needing lots of support destructions, as many as you can work in, to protect against SNOW GRAVES, which 2 of the top 4 at last years gencon had in their decks.

which is what it meant. ha.

hope this has given you some more for that beautiful mind to ponder and devise.

COCLCG said:

my bad, negotium is COST 2 not skill 2 as my stoopid head told me.


if you're playing a discard deck hand then you'll be needing lots of support destructions, as many as you can work in, to protect against SNOW GRAVES, which 2 of the top 4 at last years gencon had in their decks.

which is what it meant. ha.

hope this has given you some more for that beautiful mind to ponder and devise.

I agree, I think Cthulhu with Snow Graves is deck to beat. I feel like FFG is almost forcing everyone to play cthulhu with easy destroy cards and messing other decks with free snow graves. lengua.gif

Khopesh isn't too bad against this deck I feel. Most of the chars are glad to be Khopeshed (Gibbering Soul, Jaguar Warrior) and there is lot of discard pile recursion if my dudes start dying. I should get card advantage. Snow Graves can be a problem but not so huge in start of the game. I can destroy it with Shocking Transformation/Under the Porch -> Grasping Chthonian (maybe add one more). Dimensional Rift gets rid of Snow Graves also. Idea is to use Dimensional Rift so I get much better trade than my opponent. Just Rampaging Dark Young dying to Dimensional Rift can mean easily 2 x Ferocious Dark Young in board against 0 opponent cards. If I can play Shub after Dimensional Rift it should be a win. Problem can rise if my opponent plays only 1-2 good chars and save cards so I have to trigger Dimensional Rift too early.

But have to test this deck. I have played whole CoC only couple games so I am sure I can come up with changes.

im new too.

are playing the rift and destroying it 2 separate actions?? and if a sneaky cthulhu support destroys it inbetween if thats the case?? or whappens if the syndicate force foreclose it and have a rift of their very own??

COCLCG said:

are playing the rift and destroying it 2 separate actions?? and if a sneaky cthulhu support destroys it inbetween if thats the case?? or whappens if the syndicate force foreclose it and have a rift of their very own??

Yea I was thinking of that too. That is a disaster. Cthulhu could only reliable destroy it with Deep One Assault and leaving 5 resources open is a lot. Haven't thought so much about other factions. Anyway Rift needs to be triggered as a next action. Too risky to leave it to table.

EDIT Seems like Cthulhu has Out of Season Monsoon also but I trust that card will not see play.

I was thinking to put Azathoth instead of Nodens to deck also but that might be too risky because I have to have Shocking Trasnformation in hand or win one of 3 specific stories with Azazoth at same turn it enters play.

i always wondered if this card could be used efficiently and forced foreclosure / burrowing beneath and a couple of others deterred me. love to see if you can make it work though!!

i believe agency groundkeeper and torch the joint would also be detrimental if its a location.

oh, and crazed arsonist.

COCLCG said:

i always wondered if this card could be used efficiently and forced foreclosure / burrowing beneath and a couple of others deterred me. love to see if you can make it work though!!

i believe agency groundkeeper and torch the joint would also be detrimental if its a location.

I think you just need to use it when it enters play if you think something might come. If you do that there are only few good cards which might mess it. No deck can work against everything anyway, just have to make it work against most popular decks. lengua.gif