Question about supporting from ports

By Runa, in A Game of Thrones: The Board Game


in the rulebook there is: "Ship units in a Port may support a combat in the adjacent sea area but may not support a combat in any adjacent land area (not even in its connected land area). Ship units in a Port provide no defensive Combat Strength to a combat in its connected land area." What is connected area and what is adjacent area? Do I understand that ships in a Port can support even in another sea area where isn't Port located and is next to sea area where is Port? Thank you for answer.

Runa said:


in the rulebook there is: "Ship units in a Port may support a combat in the adjacent sea area but may not support a combat in any adjacent land area (not even in its connected land area). Ship units in a Port provide no defensive Combat Strength to a combat in its connected land area." What is connected area and what is adjacent area? Do I understand that ships in a Port can support even in another sea area where isn't Port located and is next to sea area where is Port? Thank you for answer.

ADJACENT means "next to, adjoining, attached to, contiguous". This means any sea area that is attached to a Port.

CONNECTED LAND AREA is the Land Area the Port belongs to (and is dependent on) - Pyke, Lannisport, Winterfell, Old Town, Sunspear, Storm's End, Dragonstone, White Harbor.

Thank you for answer. I was little confused.

Good day!

I also have misunderstanding about the port rules.

There are few sentences that allow me to decide that terms "adjacent sea area" and "connected sea area" are not the same:

> Ship units in a Port may raid the adjacent sea area, but may not raid any adjacent land area

> Ship units in a connected sea area may raid a Port. Enemy units in adjacent land areas, however, may not raid a Port

> Ship units in a Port may support a combat in the adjacent sea area but may not support a combat in any adjacent land area (not even in its connected land area)

Could FFG please finally clarify the terms "connected sea area" and "adjacent sea area" regarding ports?

Example: There is a port in Sunspear.

1. Is East Summer Sea a connected sea area to the Sunspear port?

2. Is Shipbreaker Bay an adjacent sea area to the Sunspear port?

Situation A: In the Sunspear port and East Summer Sea there are a Martells' ships.

In the Shipbreaker Bay there is a Baratheons' ship.

1) Can a ship from Sunspear port support attack on Shipbreaker Bay ship?

2) Can a ship from Sunspear port raid on Shipbreaker Bay ship?

3) Can a ship from Shipbreaker Bay raid on Sunspear port ship?

Situation B: In the Sunspear port there is a Martells' ship.

In the Shipbreaker Bay and East Summer Sea there are Baratheons' ships.

1) Can a ship from Sunspear port support attack on Shipbreaker Bay ship (ignoring ships in East Summer Sea) ?

2) Can a ship from Sunspear port raid on Shipbreaker Bay ship (ignoring ships in East Summer Sea) ?
3) Can a ship from Sunspear port raid on East Summer Sea ship?

This was answered here:
In short it helps to read the port rules from ACOK if you are confused:

Answers below

Situation A: In the Sunspear port and East Summer Sea there are a Martells' ships.

In the Shipbreaker Bay there is a Baratheons' ship.

1) Can a ship from Sunspear port support attack on Shipbreaker Bay ship? NO

2) Can a ship from Sunspear port raid on Shipbreaker Bay ship? NO

3) Can a ship from Shipbreaker Bay raid on Sunspear port ship? NO

Situation B: In the Sunspear port there is a Martells' ship.

In the Shipbreaker Bay and East Summer Sea there are Baratheons' ships.

1) Can a ship from Sunspear port support attack on Shipbreaker Bay ship (ignoring ships in East Summer Sea) ? NO

2) Can a ship from Sunspear port raid on Shipbreaker Bay ship (ignoring ships in East Summer Sea) ? NO
3) Can a ship from Sunspear port raid on East Summer Sea ship? YES


Thank you for reply, but I have come here from that forum because of confusion, to receive some kind of official answer.

The final answer from that topic is like "rules are inaccurate" and "adjacent is not what we think it is":

We can interpret it 2 ways:
I Some ports rules are badly written.
II 'Adjacent' is not what we think it is.


In short it helps to read the port rules from ACOK if you are confused:

  • Ships in Port may Support a battle in the Sea area but may not support a battle in the Land area.
  • Ships in Port may Raid the Sea area, but not the Land area.

Agreed, the ACOK rules are quite clear in case of ports, but the point is that ACOK is not the same game as AGOT, so I am still undecided.

Ask Jason Walden

then post the answer here.

It is option 1, in that in writing the rules they were a bit looser than they should have for people who like to nitpick needlessly at word definitions. But for any rule interpretation there is both the technical reading and the intention of the rules. And I guarantee that the intention of the rules was to to be the same as ACOK on this point, because 1) they lead to absurd gameplay and balance situations otherwise and 2) We played it the proper way at the Days of Ice and Fire 2013 event at which Jason and other FFG members overlooked the gameplay.

Thanks, kauai1964, I have sent a mail to Jason and will wait for his answer.

for any rule interpretation there is both the technical reading and the intention of the rules

In this particular situation the rules for AGOT are written quite exact and split the terms "adjacent" and "connected" respect to ports, so in any dispute there will be enough for me to show the exact row in rulebook to prove my point of view.

But I do understand that there could be some inaccuracy in rulebook, that is why I made a posting at FFG.

Jason answered:

1. Is East Summer Sea a connected sea area respect to the Sunspear port?

2. Is Shipbreaker Bay an adjacent sea area respect to the Sunspear port?

Which sea areas can be raided and supported from this port?

1. Yes. East Summer Sea “connects” to the port at Sunspear.

2. No. Shipbreaker Bay is adjacent to East Summer Sea but it not adjacent to the port at Sunspear.

Ships in a port can only raid enemy ships in the sea area they are connected to. So in this case, ships in the port at Sunspear can only raid enemy ships in East Summer Sea, not Shipbreaker Bay.

Hope that helps.
Jason Walden

I guess the word of FFG developer is the last, and the question is now finally clarified.

Thank you for participation! :)

I have a similar question about adjacent areas:

having same territory and ship owner...
Q1 Can a ship march from The Shivering Sea to Winterfell Port?
Q2 Can a ship march form The Shivering Sea to Bay of Ice?
Q3 Storm's End Port have 3 adjacent areas which ships can be marched from/to?

thanks in advance :)

Q1. No

Q2. No.

Q3. No. Only Shipbreaker Bay.