I know the game has been pretty stale lately without any new expansions. You don't have to make it a huge expansion to make it work. All you need is to have a small box one like you do for Talisman and Warrior Knights, or just give us some new cards and some units (to spice things up with strategy). Maybe add in some special general type characters for each faction. You don't have to change the map or anything that extreme. This game has a large following up here in northern Minnesota and we are waiting still for any new news. Does anyone else have anything they want to say to keep this thread going for FFG to notice our need for an expansion?
Hey FFG gives us a new expansion please
Yes! New decks for each nation! And I agree more troop types. Also maybe they could make a mechanic for neutral player cards that you could draw for a Court/Conan action and they may either do something good or bad. But whatever the case it should definitley be something
Happy to know that I am not the only person who thinks this game needs an expansion. To be honest it is sad that the game doesn't already have one. I know that FFG is working on other cool and amazing games, but this game really needs a face lift. The game in the minds of my gaming group is way over priced with the amount of replay ability. By coming out with a small expansion would really make this game more marketable.
Yeah, an expansion would be appreciated
Actually, an expansion has been fully developed and playtested by the designers and was on its way to get published when Nexus Games unfortunately met their demise. Presumably those files and documents are still available somewhere and I'm sure that FFG could publish it if they wanted to. More info in this thread on bgg.
Apparently the expansion would introduce more of Conan interaction as well as introduce his "life phases" - thief, warrior, general etc. More early game player vs player aggression would also be rewarded. Sounds great to me!
It would be great if they still published this.
That's unfortunate that we may never see the expansion.
Just wanted to add my voice to the request
Adding one more
please FFG release the expansion...
Ares is planning on doing an expansion. See " Age of Conan is back " on BBG.
I know the game has been pretty stale lately without any new expansions. You don't have to make it a huge expansion to make it work. All you need is to have a small box one like you do for Talisman and Warrior Knights, or just give us some new cards and some units (to spice things up with strategy). Maybe add in some special general type characters for each faction. You don't have to change the map or anything that extreme. This game has a large following up here in northern Minnesota and we are waiting still for any new news. Does anyone else have anything they want to say to keep this thread going for FFG to notice our need for an expansion?
agree you
I know the game has been pretty stale lately without any new expansions. You don't have to make it a huge expansion to make it work. All you need is to have a small box one like you do for Talisman and Warrior Knights, or just give us some new cards and some units (to spice things up with strategy). Maybe add in some special general type characters for each faction. You don't have to change the map or anything that extreme. This game has a large following up here in northern Minnesota and we are waiting still for any new news. Does anyone else have anything they want to say to keep this thread going for FFG to notice our need for an expansion?
agree you
Ares Games now owns the license for the game and will be releasing an expansion called Adventures in Hyboria. See https://www.kickstarter.com/projects/1402889231/age-of-conan-strategy-boardgame-its-back?ref=nav_search for details.