I've noticed that since Legends came out, there has been no news of another deluxe expansion to Warhammer: Invasion. Why is this? Did the model change to battle packs only?
Why did FFG stop releasing Deluxe Expansions?
Well, I guess this game is dying out. Not a single response in 11 days and not many other users posting at all. It's a shame because this is such a cool game. I wonder if the Bloodquest Cycle will be the end?
Well, yes, there's not much activity here. Partly because there's a lot of activity on national Invasion forums. On the other hand, the topic isn't new, your thread is in the wrong subforum, the forum software has been acting up again of late and people might not have seen it because of that, and since FFG employees don't post here, no one can reliably answer your questions. So I suggest not reading too much into the lack of a response.
There is no indication though that the Bloodquest cycle will be the end, or that there won't be any more deluxe expansions. Let's wait and see and keep enjoying the game.
Good news is they are still doing expansions , which is something to be happy about
Fingers crossed for a new deluxe at some point.
It hasn't really been that long since the last deluxe expansion, has it?
I don't really see the game as dying as of yet, either. It just needs people to continue to try to promote it in their local groups
Sorry for my late reply, but I also noticed the absence of a Deluxe expansion (and therefore came here).
Normally a new Deluxe Expansion is released right in the middle of a cycle / after 3 battle packs. But the Deluxe Expansion for The Capital Cycle is still missing and should have been "WHC29", which is the production number of the first Bloodquest battle pack. I think ffg stops this LCG, which I think is a real shame, as it's great and we had much fun with our gaming group.