I'm working on the possibility of working on a story based in the Anima setting/system. These are the three main characters I have atm, just curious of any thoughts, hints, or tips.
Riu Kitsumi
- Level: 1, Category: Natural
- Life Points: 90
- Class: Wizard
- Str 5 Dex 6 Agi 5 Con 6 Pow 8 Int 10 Wp 8 Per 7
- PhR 35 MR 50 PsR 40 VR 35 DR 35
- Initiative: 50 (unarmed)
- Attack Ability : 5 Unarmed Combat
- Defense Ability: 20 Dodge
- Damage: 5 Unarmed Combat
- AT: None
- MA: 50
- Zeon: 585
- Magic Projection: 55
- Magic Level: Necromancy 40, Destruction 50
- Advantages and Disadvantages: The Gift, Natural Knowledge of a Path (Necromancy); Magic Nature (+50), Opposite Magical Path; Action Requirement (Style, no other Active Actions), Requires Gestures.
- Natural Abilities: None
- Size: 11; Regeneration: 1
- Movement Value: 5; Fatigue: 6
- Secondary Abilities: Notice 10, Search 10, Track 10, Memorize 35, History 20, Magical Appraisal 30, Occult 20, Style 75
Aki Kitsume
- Level: 1, Category: Natural
- Life Points : 90
- Class : Mentalist
- Str 5 Dex 8 Agi 8 Con 6 Pow 9 Int 9 Wp 10 Per 8
- PhR 35 MR 40 PsR 45 VR 35 DR 35
- Initiative: 65 Unarmed
- Attack Ability: 10 Unarmed Combat
- Defense Ability: 30 Dodge
- Damage: 5 Unarmed Combat
- AT: None
- Psychic Potential: 90
- Free PP: 2
- Disciplines: Telepathy (Mind Reading, Psychic Shield), Energy (Sense Energy, Control Energies), Psychokinesis (Pschokinetic Shield, Psychokinetic Flight)
- Innate: 1
- Psychic Projection: 100
- Advantages and Disadvantages: Free Access to Any Psychic Disciplines, Psychic Point Recovery (1/10min)
- Natural Abilities: None
- Size: 11, Regeneration: 1
- Movement Value: 8; Fatigue: 6
- Secondary Abilities: Acrobatics 15, Athleticism 15, Ride 15, Notice 15, Search 15, Track 15, Animals 15, Appraisal 15, Herbal Lore 20, Medicine 20, Sciences 20, Persuasion 15, Style 20, Disguise 15, Lock Picking 20
Kirt Lancestorm
- Level: 1, Category: Natural
- Life Points: 165
- Class: Warrior
- Str 10 Dex 9 Agi 7 Con 10 Pow 7 Int 5 Wp 5 Per 5
- PhR 45 MR 35 PsR 30 VR 45 DR 45
- Initiative: 10 Longsword and Shield
- Attack Ability: 65 Longsword (-1 AT)
- Defense Ability: 65 Block Longsword, 70 Block Shield
- Damage 75 Longsword (Cut), 20 Shield (Impact)
- AT Scale Mail (+5) Cut 5 Imp 5 Thru 5 Hea 4 Ele 0 Col 4 Ene 2
- Wear Armor: 80
- Advantages and Disadvantages: Use of Armor (+5/lvl), Starting Wealth (5,000), Blood of the Dragon, Vulnerable to Cold
- Natural Abilities: Body Guard, Soldier Module
- Size: 20; Regeneration: 3
- Movement Value: 7; Fatigue: 10
- Secondary Abilities: Acrobatics 15, Athleticisim 15, Climb 15, Jump 25, Ride 15, Composure 10, Feats of Strength 35, Withstand Pain 10, Notice 10, Search 10, Track 10, Intimidate 5, Leadership 10, Persuasion 5, Style 10
Note: Being edited to reflect corrections and updates and fix flaws discussed in the thread