Well, the first magic POD has been released... and missed my group. I mean, I'll get it anyway and I know the chances of them choosing Celestial Magic (which is what my group is fielding) was slim but I was really hoping on getting lucky.
Bright Order Magic
It was the POD expansion I expected. Since Sigmar came first, Bright Order Magic was my guess for the second expansion (allthough I was wrong as Dreadfleet came in between).
Now my guess is that the next will be a priestly expansion, and I guess that it will be Shallya. After that we'll probably see another magic POD with one of the other collages of magic that were included in the core set.
Fun though, I'll pick Bright Order Magic up as soon as my retailers get it..
I admit I hadn't been thinking Bright Order but in retrospect with Sigmar first, it makes sense.
I'm just pleased to see it and hope they keep producing (good quality, play tested, edit-checked) POD bits for all niches.
I end up ordering them, my local retailers get the POD's for boardgames (Mansions of Madness) but not for WFRP it seems.
I'll definitely get it, I tend to buy most things for this game as I love the system.
I'm not too happy that they keep focusing on magic and prayers though, since the game does not lack actions for those groups compared to most other types of actions.
I too hope they come out with packages on other themes or combining them such as a dual "Ranald priest pack" with a "follower of Ranald" merchant/rogue support etc. action pack.
Based on picture from the announcement, it seem like a few card is dedicated to special rule / flavoring text maybe? Those card in lower left hand doen't seem like just spell cards.
Bravo - another 15? spells for seven bucks. FFG is clever.
Qingtian said:
Based on picture from the announcement, it seem like a few card is dedicated to special rule / flavoring text maybe? Those card in lower left hand doen't seem like just spell cards.
They look similar to the cards that came in Faith of Sigmar which condensed some of the rules from various supplements.
Has anyone got a copy yet? How does it look?
i recieved birght order and faith of sigmar the other day. i have yet only really browsed through the bright order spells and they are really nice! 7 dollars is quite a price, shipping wasn't cheap either, but our bright wizard was happy like a little child to see really great new spells he can use!!
nephtys said:
i recieved birght order and faith of sigmar the other day. i have yet only really browsed through the bright order spells and they are really nice! 7 dollars is quite a price, shipping wasn't cheap either, but our bright wizard was happy like a little child to see really great new spells he can use!!
Waiting for more details
unfortunately i'm on the way to the airport right now to be gone for 2 weeks, but if i get home and there are no details on here about the 2 i will be sure to give them!
sorry guys
Well, my copy showed up. I think I was more impressed with Faith of Sigmar, though. There are a number of neat spells here, and they're probably fun in play… there's a lot of synergy stuff with adding and removing tracking tokens and some neat ongoing effects. I think my favorites are the ones that conjure a wall of flame and the curtain of flame. Those were neat effects that I hadn't seen before. There were not a lot of differences between the recklass and conservative sides, but that might be because they assume a Bright Order Mage is going to be in Reckless so there isn't much of a point. But there does seem to be plenty, well, fire-power, for a combat oriented mage.
I just ordered this and the Dreadfleet packs. Only did that cause I noticed shipping doesn't go up when you order them all at the same time. I already got the Sigmar pack from ebay but now that I know about shipping costs I'll probably wait for the next 3 POD's to come out and order them all at once.
Bright Order Magic POD
Items: Flaming Staff, Keys of Secrets
Unquenchable Flame R1
Sear R1
Cascading Fire Cloak R1
The Secret Words of Aqshy R1
Kindleflame R2
Aqushy’s Aegis R2
Ignite R2
The Burning Head R3
Crown of Fire R3
Piercing Bolts of Burning R4
Flaring Flames R4
Curtain of Flame R3
Fulminating Flame Cage R4
Panoply of Rhuin R5
Inferno of U’zhul R5
Quick summary of the cards of this set:
Unquenchable Flame R1- item burst into flame
Sear R1-4+int damage+1 critical
Cascading Fire Cloak R1-reaction; opponent who hit you takes damage = your rank
The Secret Words of Aqshy R1-target gains invigorated or inspired condition for 3 rounds
Kindleflame R2-your spells do extra 3 damage
Aqushy’s Aegis R2allies gain2 soak vs all flames
Ignite R2-target catches fire
The Burning Head R3-fear plus 6+int damage
Crown of Fire R3-gain leadership/intimidate bonus, bonus to equilibrium and defense
Piercing Bolts of Burning R4-bolt for 6+int+ damage
Flaring Flames R4-recharge spells faster
Curtain of Flame R3-wall of fire
Fulminating Flame Cage R4-engage someone in flame cage ; 4+ + int damage if escape
Panoply of Rhuin R5-magic armor 4 soak 2 defense
Inferno of U’zhul R5 -mighty inferno for 4+int+1 per recharging spellcard
And a summary of the original cards:
Bolt of Aqushy: Rank3- = 5+int dmg
Combustion R2-int dmg_1 fo reach recharging bright order spell
Flaming Sword of Rhuin-DR5/CR2, pierce 1; gain 1 fortune die with attacks; 2 successes gain 1 strength
Burning Blood R2-victim who suffers a crit; reaction; spend power = crit severity = victims blood starts on fire for +wounds = crit severity
Feiry Passion R1- target's passions stoked he gains 1 misfortune to all conservative checks and 1 fortune to all reckless checks
Flamestorm R3-4+int dmg (2 successes = 6+ int dmg)
Cauterise R1-burn a critical wound with your staff and it is treated as normal wound until end of the act
FlameblastR1-target takes 4+int dmg
Glamour of Fire R1-gain 1 white on INtimidate (st), charm (fel_) and leadership (fel) checks.
Great Fires o fU'Zhul R2- 4+int damage (2 success = 6+) 1 boon = hits all enemies in engagement
Pyrokinesis R1 - control fire
Wings of Fire R3 - Can fly; can sear enemies
Destructive Fires R4 -something destroyed by fires
Inflame Passions R4 -influence targets
Shielding Winds of Aqshy R1 - soak increases = reckless stance
Fireball Barrage R5 - 5+int dmg; can be multiples
And the summary from Realms of Sorcery 2e if you feel the need to make additional conversions:
The Lore of Fire (Realms of Sorcery 2e) p.145+
Aqshy's Aegis - - holding hands, immune to fire damage
Boiling Blood -target suffers damage
Breathe Fire - damage
Burning Vengeance - component = 3 drops of targets blood; target obsessed with murder on a specific target
Choleric - Target become irate towards another target designated
Conflagaration of Doom - "The most destructive spell int he Bright Wizard's arsenal"
Consuming Wrath - target becomes overwhelmed with hate
Crown of Fire - bonus to intimidate and command; targets must test to attack you
Curtain of Flame -
Fiery Blast
Fire Ball
Fires of U'Zhul - bolt
Flaming Sword of Rhuin
Flashcook - Guess what this does!
Hearts fo Fire -unlock fires of courage in allies
Inextinguisable Flame
Ruin and destruction - non-living object dest' by fire
Shield of Aqshy
Taste of Fire - Make spicy food! Increase alcohol potency!