Dust Warfare Rulebook is in stock at Local Game Stores

By Dr.Cornelius, in Dust Tactics General Discussion

For those of you who may not have heard: Dust Warfare Rulebook is in stock at Local Game Stores.

Picked up my copy this evening. First impression is excellent. The rules are not too heavy or fiddly (I am looking at you Warmachine), but are meaty enough to encourage tactical play. Best of all, the mechanics are not a retread of a 20 year old system, but are fresh and innovative with a lot of interesting features. Exactly the game I have been looking for.

What's your general location?

Northern California / Silicon Valley

Adler Hobby Southern NH USA is starting a play group! anyone from that area?

Dr.Cornelius said:

Best of all, the mechanics are not a retread of a 20 year old system, but are fresh and innovative with a lot of interesting features.

I had to laugh at this, as Andy Chambers acknowledged he was drawing on a board game that published its fourth edition in 1980 for the core of his reactive mechanic. He's tweaked it quite a bit, but if you know the original, you can definitely see its roots. It isn't the same game, but it does qualify as a retread mechanic system in my book.

Of course, some of those other games aren't really much like their original incarnations, either, with some about as far removed as Warfare is from its progenitor. They just pretend and keep the same name.