I need advise

By kimano2, in UFS Off Topic

i have a friend that is a shift manager over me. He was recently reprimanded for smoke marijuana in our place of business(arbys). He smoked it again tonight(before 12 am central time) If I tell on him, my girlfriendd(who is a good friend of his wife) may never talk to her friend and thier daughter again. He would also fired and thus not be able to afford stuff for his daughter. I am really at an impass and don't know what to do.

should I be a snitch or should I not say anything?

I wouldn't say that this is the correct thing to do, but if you're the only one who knows about this then I'd stay quiet. It sounds like there'd be too much extra baggage involved in you reporting it. If he keeps this up he'll be caught out again anyway. If he manages to keep doing it without anybody but you knowing, though, warn him that you will report it. Follow through on the warning if necessary. He's asking too much of you if he expects you to cover for him.

If you cover for him, there's a chance YOU might get canned as well due to knowing a coworker had a problem and not telling the company.

If your buddy really needs to smoke the blunt, he shoudn't be doing it at work.

If you don't let your employers know, you're part of the problem.

If he wants to do it at home, that's his thing. Not at work.





o_o; In all honesty, it's just a little pot. Is it really worth a guy losing his job over if he really needs the job? Hell, I think it's safe to say 70% of the UFS community has smoked up a little bit. You wouldn't have us all drug tested at Nats/Worlds would you? I say no.

Hmm? I've not done drugs, so I must be part of the 30%. Dur... I said "no" when my friends offered me some (for free) as I watched them turn into pitiful "subhumans" before my eyes in under 5 minutes, but I don't think that's really important for this thread though.

If this person's really your friend and has a wife and kid, then you should be able to talk directly to him about it without him freaking out. Tell him the position that he has put you in, how you feel about the whole issue, and the consequences for both of you if you report him (moral consequence on you; financial consequence for his family) and if you don't but he and you get found out (financial consequence on both of you; unpredictable moral disparity between both of you). One would hope that after a frank and honest discussion both of you know where each other stand on the issue. If you can, ascertain why he started and continues to smoke weed; it may be less obvious than you might imagine. I'd definitely emphasize the effect that his habit has on his family, especially his daughter. One would assume that a responsible parent with a child would have more sense than to jeopardize whatever he's got going for him with a drug. It may sound cliche, but the reprocussions that your own actions may have on your own child/children often provides a forceful moral compass. Perhaps you can come to an agreement to help him work past this issue.

Altogether, I think that you should try to help him as best as you can, and if he still hasn't worked past his problem then you might be left with no other choice but to report if you want to keep your job. Still, if you keep quiet for too long then that may reflect poorly on yourself in the eyes of your employers.

You should know that I do not speak from any practical experience, but this is what I would do given your circumstances as I understand them. You might want to seek a more appropriate forum that is intended to deal with these kinds of problems for an expert opinion.

Me personally I would pull him over to the side and say to him man to man : "yo you need to stop that s**t cause what if the manager caught you ? what happens then you get fired,you have no job,wife's pissed off cause you wanted to smoke,then you hear her bitchen and complaining bout yo ass gettin fired" . "Besides you got a wife and kid to take care of think about that one ?". Now if he doesn't want to hear that then when he gets caught "and he will" then be like "I ain't know nothing about it" . Your employer can't fire you for not knowing anything right ?