So I've been running a game for the past year or so, and a player of mine has begun to greatly get on my nerves in regards to spell usage as well as power grabbing. I can usually tolerate it, however recently I've been wondering on how some things work. I'm not entirely sure what to do.
The spell as follows.
Creation Spell
Create Homunculus
Level 26
Action: Active
Type: Effect
Effect: Homunculi are small magical elementals that casters use at times for various purposes, from espionage to housework. The spell creates a zero level mystical being under complete control of the caster, as per the rules in
Chapter 26. It is a Being Between Worlds with a Gnosis of 5, but, given its minor nature, the following rules apply:
1- First of all, its characteristics can never be higher than 5, nor can it have any Primary Ability or Secondary Ability higher than 50.
2- It also suffers a –2 penalty to size, and it cannot choose Uncommon Size.
3- It can’t have any Intellectual Ability higher than their Caster.
Each Homunculus created might be completely different.
Zeon: Base(60), Intermediate(80), Advanced(250), Arcane(350)
Int Req: Base(6), Intermediate(9), Advanced(12), Arcane(15)
Base: 1 Homunculus.
Intermediate: 10 Homunculi.
Advanced: 25 Homunculi.
Arcane: 100 Homunculi.
Maintenance: 10 / 20 / 25 / 35 Daily.
Now, the problem that I'm running in to is the fact that the player uses the spell to create as he calls them, "wing packs" which allow he and the party to fly at natural flight 10. This is in addition to bonuses such as the wings being natural weapons. Ok, I can understand that, I mean, Archangel from X-Men had bladed wings, or whatever. The wings are mostly used as defense negations. Wings attack first, then the player giving the player the ability to attack after the defender has already defended twice. They're also used as extra defenses. That plus the Damage barrier of 100 is causing some problems.
To defend against this, I'm beginning to wonder how I should be making the player run this. Previously I've had the wing packs run at the same initiative as the player who wears it. In addition to the fact that their is no attack or defense penalty for the wings attacking and fluttering around while the player is also attacking. Seems like one heck of an annoying cluster****.
Should I have the "wing packs" be their own initiative? Thus if the player wants to use them to defend then they need to roll higher and be prepared to hold initiative. Also, any restrictions that should possibly be added? I know that just about every single use he has is in no way in line with the original definition of Homonculus...
Pricing spells. Buying a spell and self teaching to learn the spell. What are the suggestions for pricing these? Or even finding someone to teach you the spells? Current spell costs have been something around Spell level divided by 2 times ten in gold cost. So a spell like Chimera costs 400 gold coins. One of my players (the same as the above) pitched a fit saying it was to expensive and I was being unfair. Far as I can tell those spells are ridiculously obscene. Granted some have their drawbacks definitely.... But suggestions?
Thirdly and lastly (for the moment! dun dun dun....)
Chimera, which makes you a between worlds being as well as giving you a level or four. I feel that the whole between worlds thing already has it's punishment set out by the fact that you can easily be summoned, bound, controlled, and if somehow were in another plane banished. At least, I'm also assuming banish doesn't do anything to someone who's already on their natural plane. However, I also feel that there is another punishment, and this being social. If the church knows you're a between worlds being and not fully human anymore (after all, you're no longer "natural") they should be persecuted. The question also comes to, what should a group like the Heaven Order? I kind of feel that it's a kick the person out scenario since it's no longer a "natural power gain" such as through striving through your own works, and instead becomes a short cut . Any suggestions?