2 people charging each other

By Darth Smeg, in Black Crusade Rules Questions

Crossposting this from the DH forum.

So there's the typical cinematic samurai showdown, two swordfighters running towards each other preparing to slice and dice.

The RAW seem a little arbitrary on how this will resolve. The run towards each other, both taking alternate Run Actions, until they end up within Charge Range of the acting character, who then get's to go first.

Regardless of Initiative, Agility and Skill, it comes down to "luck".

How is this handled? How SHOULD it be handled?

If in your opinions it comes to luck, not atributes, have them roll dice. The one that rolls higher, wins! Simple?

It should be handled by initiative, the one who has higher, strikes first. Simple. (if you watch battles, when two guys charge at each other, ussualy one of them strikes first, or parries and then cuts his opponent legs)

if one is charging and the other running, the chargin one gets an additional +20 to WS. Not nice for a showdown.

Amaimon said:

If in your opinions it comes to luck, not atributes, have them roll dice. The one that rolls higher, wins! Simple?

I do not think it SHOULD come down to luck, I was trying to state that according to the RAW, it currently DOES.

I may have been imprecise in my wording.

My point is that as you start running towards your opponent, you can't really know the exact distance between you or his movement rating. So it becomes a random "luck of the draw" factor that decides which of you get to Charge the other.

And the +20 to hit your running opponent just amplifies the issue, yes.

Whover has the best initiative combined with the faster movement rating. You must cover at least 4 metres in a straight line in order to charge. The person with the higher initiative and faster movement will cover that distance faster enabling them to execute the charge.

eg: if they are 8 meters apart, they would technically only be able to charge each other at the 4 meter point directly in-between. If one person is faster, they may meet at a point 2 metres from middle (one guy has travelled 6 metres, the other has travelled only 2). Only the guy who has moved 6 metres is allowed to get their charge.

Mecanically, though, it stil probably comes down to initiative, because he'll get to travel his distance first. Unless you broke the charge/movement down into mini-rounds, so each would move 1/3 his movement in each round. Roll initiative each time. The faster person would move further first and the initiative order would matter because if you won intitiative twice, you'd close before the other guy got to move too far...like the whole charge is taking place in s-l-o-w m-o-t-i-o-n...

Since combat turns are supposed to occur simultaneously despite being resolved sequentially, I'd say the handling is really easy.

Highest initiative character goes first. If this is the PC, merely say that the opponent is charging him too, and thus they're gonna meet in the middle or somewhere along the way if they have wildly disparate charge rates. Few players will object to this cinematic cool.

If the highest initiative is the villain, say he's charging but offer your player the chance to do the same now, thus gaining the charge bonus in exchange for possibly breaking cover.

The highest initiative character then attacks. Resolve as usual.

The opponent then goes, if still alive. Resolve their attack, keeping in mind that they've charged and thus are gonna be attacking.

Some possible end results include:

A (highest initiative) draws faster than B, and cuts him down before he gets to move. A wins.

A (highest initiative) draws faster than B and cuts him, B, however, survives and delivers his own blow, possibly slaying A, or letting the charge devole into a proper sword fight rather than a quick draw duel.

A (highest initiative) draws faster than B, but B blocks him and cuts him down with a devastating counter attack.

A (highest initiative) draws faster than B, but B block him, smiles and reveals that he's a Tzeentchian sorcerer, and proceeds to breath Warp flame and liquid chaos (Winds of Chaos) into the face of A. A dies due to Tzeentchian Trickery. (For this to work, B has to meet A through a move action rather than a charge, but that's not really impossible)

Now you COULD make some rule about how aware and capable characters can get to counter-charge when charged, but honestly, I doubt it's worth the hassle of another rule.


If the two are the only combatants and they intend to do nothing but charge, I'd just let the combat time start once the first of them is in charging range (generally 9 or 12 metres, possibly more with fast or hulking characters). At that point, roll initiative. The winner likely gets to charge, unless he's out of his own charge range.

Other than that, a high-initiative and/or high-speed character is usually capable of controlling the distance of an encounter. By simply not always running his maximum distance, he can generally ensure he gets the Charge action. If your enemy has a 3 AB, don't come within 9 metres unless you are already charging.

I think Reverend Morts way of handling this seems best.

I agree that sticking to the RAW you could adjust your movements to try to make your opponent end his Run within your Charge Range, but a) that's terribly metagamey, and b) so could your opponent. I see the samurai showdown devolve into a slowing run where the opponents end up standing some 10 m apart waiting for the other to make a move. Not what I had in mind :)

OR ignore all of the above and just start combat with both people attacking simultaneously on the charge and roll initiative after.