Certain Bloodlines, namely the elemental ones, state that they lower the cost of a Ki Technique by 5 martial knowledge. The Example given is of a Legacy of Fire who wishes to learn a Dominion that has Attack Enhancement and Damage Augmentation, which are both fire aspected. The cost of the Dominion is thus reduced by 10 points. My question is how does such a cost reduction interact with the lowest possible cost of a Dominion. Continuing the above example, the technique obviously costs 10 points less. If that Technique already costs only 20 martial knowledge, the minimium amount for a level one Dominion, does he further reduce the cost? Does this trait allow a Technician to purchase Techniques for below the minimum?
My First impression is to say yes, as it preserves the ability for a Legacy to learn techniques from other people. He just learns them easier due to his affinity toward the element. However, some techniques could potentially be reduced to nothing with that ruling, and that doesn't make any sense. That would lead to the thought that the minimal cost is the minimal cost period, and nothing can reduce it. But at that point, the Legacy isn't getting to benefit from his trait. Obviously, this has more to do with using pre-made techniques than developing his own.