hello to all. i'm new to this game and would like a few pointers. i'm going to buy the core set and was wondering what house should i start with that will be easiest to build and still be competetive, also what chapter packs i'd need to round it out. i like stark but since i'm just starting i don't care what house i use while i'm learning. thanks in advance to any and all that help.
need some help
In the beginning Stark is just fine because it is the house with the most straight mechanics.
Hi, Welcome to the game.
If I should consider just the CoreSet I would have to say that Targaryen is the strongest House there, then Barathoen, Stark and Lannister, but when you buy a few more CP it evens it up. No house should be strong enough to defeat the other all the time and none is. From the beggining as mischraum said I would try Stark, for me it was alway the easiest House to play even though it can be pretty nasty in some of the builds. Basicly if you want a good Stark deck, just try to kill as much as you can and then hope your opponent has no characters left to play, that was always the best strategy of Starks
Many thanks to both of you. Now what chapter packs should i buy first that help out stark and targ. eventually i'll buy them all but i want to get the ones that will help the most(i have a casual tourny this friday).
from the 1st set of cps i'd get:
The Battle of Ruby Ford
Calling the Banners
The War of Five Kings
Sacred Bonds
in that order of importance
The Battle of Ruby Ford
The War of Five Kings
Ancient Enemies
Sacred Bonds
again in order of importance.
Sprinkle in the others as needed.
From the newest set of CPs:
Winds of Winter
Refugees of War (not out yet though)
The Raven's Song
Change of Seasons
A Song of Summer
A Change of Seasons
and maybe Refugees of war (but this might change once we see what other stuff is in it)
thank you, i will be working on those.