New to Dust Tactics/Warfare -Quick question about the factions.

By DreadWolf9, in Dust Tactics General Discussion


I am new to Dust Tactics and hope to get some friends into this super rad game. My question is what are the general strengths and weaknesses of the Allies, Axis and SSU. My first impression is that the Allies have speed and strong close combat and Axis have high armor.

Any inisghts would be welcomed. Thank you.

No one played the SSU yet so it's hard to know ;) First off it looks like it would be air mobility and mechs that arrive trough transport MI's anywhere on the battelfield. IMO you are right about the allies they are more of a quick surgical strike force - limit the range and hit them hard ;) The axis have better guns, better range and their tier 3 inf has better defences (while allied lvl 3 armor inf has jump and longer move).

On the other hand allies have much better hvy walkers that help to get some good firepower. Also in RCS and the upcoming addons Axis recived granadiers with fast and flamethrowers, and their flame tank is on the way so those basic boarder lines are getting rewritten with each new unit and addon.


- Movement (several Fast units, as well as Move 2 jump troopers)

- Ignore Cover (lots of flame, napalm and phaser weapons that ignore cover)

- Strategic (heroes with game-changing skills like Heroic Attack, Tank Head and Black Ops)


- Range (lots of Unlimited range tanks, and squads with more range than the enemy)

- Firepower (Slightly better damage output all around, with laser weapons that can build up lots of damage)

- Tough (several Damage Resilient heavy troops that can take a beating)

SSU - Hard to tell for sure, since we haven't seen its stats yet, but from the previews:

- Aircraft (pioneering aircraft in the game seems to give them an edge)

- Movement (there seem to be lots of units with Fast, Scout and Assault, plus carrier choppers that can drop a unit across the board)

- Ignore Cover (they also seem to have a fair amount of flame (sulfur) weapons.

Thank you for the responses.


Axis: Sigrid. Oh, and Angela, although she looks a bit skinny.

Allies: Rosie (the girl with the bazooka, was Rosie her name?).

SSU: absolutely Koshka.


Axis: smelly if zombies and gorillas around. Creepy too.

Allies: can stumble because of long coats. Cook service affected if Chef gets hurt.

SSU: there aren't any around by now (just preorders).

Also, all of them will suffer of shoulder bruising because of lack of butt stock on their firearms.

Dogged said:


Axis: Sigrid. Oh, and Angela, although she looks a bit skinny.

Allies: Rosie (the girl with the bazooka, was Rosie her name?).

SSU: absolutely Koshka.


Axis: smelly if zombies and gorillas around. Creepy too.

Allies: can stumble because of long coats. Cook service affected if Chef gets hurt.

SSU: there aren't any around by now (just preorders).

Also, all of them will suffer of shoulder bruising because of lack of butt stock on their firearms.

I agree, the zombies smell like rotten flesh last time I fielded them I nearly lost My lunch. Last time I use zombies after eating.

Dakkon426 said:

I agree, the zombies smell like rotten flesh last time I fielded them I nearly lost My lunch. Last time I use zombies after eating.

You can lose your lunch anyway, in a much more unpleasant way.
