A few additional questions after playing this game for a while now:
Can Backtrack be used on a card that was attached to a Hide?
What occurs first: the new location Dracula moves to or a location card falling off the track, potentially maturing or going to Catacombs?
How do you resolve a Hunter(s) caught "cheating"?
What transpired was the player not only went with Dr. Seward before Lord Godalming but also mixed their cards together while revealing my location. There is no penalty that I recall in the rulebook but I assume it would have to be as significant as if Dracula were caught "cheating", which devastates any plans Dracula may have had and additionally exposing his location.
We settled it differently, and it was an okay yet hasty resolution; later, we thought perhaps Dracula immediately reacts as if Evasion were drawn and any Hunters who conflicted with the rules immediately end their turns. Ideas?
... And I know there was a couple more but I forgot. I will post tomorrow after I ask my friend.