Did anyone have their Scores reset upon upgrading to v1.1?

By teriyakidonut, in Elder Sign: Omens

After upgrading to v1.1, I seem to have had all my Scores reset. This is rather unfortunate since it was one of the reasons I kept playing the game. sad.gif

Has this happened to anyone else?

Same here. I think they may have changed the formula though, since my scores now seem to be generally lower than my scores before the update. If that's the case, then it's probably just as well that they were reset.

Yep, lost my board, too. A bit aggravating, since I had a few scores I was really proud of on it. :/

Mine are gone too. Maybe that's to motivate everyone to play more.

Official answer regarding the v1.1 upgrade resetting our Scores:

"Sorry, about the problems. Unfortunately, there isn't anything that can be done to retrieve them at this point. The scores are not stored on an external server and can not be recovered.
FFG Software Support
[email protected]"


Ah well, Now that we have mutiple Old Ones, I'm changing my scoring names to indicate w/L and which old one, so I can keep track of who each game was against.

teriyakidonut said:

"Sorry, about the problems. Unfortunately, there isn't anything that can be done to retrieve them at this point. The scores are not stored on an external server and can not be recovered."

Utterly lame.

One day, FFG will grow up and act like a real company. Or maybe just use server-side storage. Or — *gasp!* — GameCenter.

After the update yesterday (or the day before) I have to buy the in app-expansion AGAIN!?!?!

This is ridiculous: anybody else have this problem?

Same problem here, after the upgrade everthing from the app's expansion I paid for is inaccessible.

DerrickS said:

After the update yesterday (or the day before) I have to buy the in app-expansion AGAIN!?!?!

This is ridiculous: anybody else have this problem?

While I did have to go to the Options menu after updating to "Restore Purchases" and re-unlock the Cthulhu campaign (which costs nothing and takes all of five seconds), all scores and unlocked achievement characters were untouched, so there wasn't really any issue.


That is correct. You just have to go to purchase it and at the bottom of the screen is an option that says, "Restore purchase" it takes no time or money.