Death Heresy!

By Face Eater, in Dark Heresy House Rules

OK, I got tongue in cheek excercise to play. Go back through <your memories of> Dark Heresy archetypes and establish EVERYTHING of significance the way they do in Death Watch that is to say, everthing MUST have an an in game effect.

You starter for 10;

The Infantry Mans Uplifting Primer.

This blessed tome is given to all of the Imperial Guard, it contains much usefull information on survival and combat situations. It takes 4 turns to refference the book, there after the character may add +10 to any one roll from the following list; Survival, Any Tactics, Common Lore: War, Forbidden Lore:Xenos.

Mercenary License

You are a powerful free warrior sort out by all, this license proves this. Add +5 to fellowship tests with Government and Military personell.

[sorry, I will post something when I get back home- but might I suggest the Primer give a PENALTY to Forbidden Lore Xenos :P Have you READ the information there? :P ]

Charm: Grants the "Charmed" talent as per the Void Born background package. If the Charmed talent is already possessed, then it triggers on a 9 or 10, rather than just a 9.

The Techpriest's starting 1d10 spare parts: Using a spare part grants a +5 on any Tech-Use test. If the character specifies the part on creation and it happens to be specifically applicable, this bonus becomes +15. (I.E. Timmy the Techpriest says that 4 of his spare parts are wires and one is a cog. Later, he is repairing a dataslate. The cog does not help, but the wire can and adds +15).

love it guys, keep it coming. Probably right about the Forbidden Lore, probably adds to WP against the fear for a test but reduces the FL.

Cyclopean Tome of Scripture

Weight 5kgs

Rarity: Rare

Cost: Na (awared by the Eclesiarchy, often weilders have spent many months escribing it themselves, in the Eclesiarchies libraries)

The constant source of inspiration Adds +10 to Fellowship tests when trying to inspire others (including hatred) or when dealing with the Ecclessiarchy.


Prodigious Stone Icon

Weight 8kgs

Rarity: Rare

Cost: Na (awarded by the Eclesiarchy or the Inquisition)

This massive marble Aquila or Inquisitorial symbol is worn on heavy chain and is usually made from the stones of destroyed holy buildings. It adds +10 WP when attempting to resist psychic powers or fear.


Angevin Apostle Relic Standard

Weight 12kgs

Rarity: Very Rare

Cost: Na (only given by the Eclesiarchy after great services.)

This is reliquary made from the stones of one of the ancient Angevin fortifications as a reliquiary the bones of one St Drusus apostle warriors. In an area with a radius equal to the holders WP bonus x4 characters do not suffer from the effects of Deamonic auras, deamons must pass a willpower test to enter the area and and suffer a -10 to instability tests while inside it. Imperial Servants within sight of the standard may add +10 to their willpower.



This useful device works as a timer with a single setting, but once you learn that setting it is almost as useful. An hour-glass grants a +5 bonus to Trade (Cooking) as you can

Aquilla Necklace

This beautiful necklace strengthens the will of those that stand firm in their faith of the emperor. It grants a +3wp to tests against fear and pinning.

Deck of Cards

Gaining familiarity with a deck of cards slowly makes you better at using them as you learn to see the small nodges in the borders of certain cards. After having played at least twenty rounds of gambling with a deck of cards you gain a +5 bonus to all gamble tests using it.

Vial for Sacred Machine Oil

A Tech-Priest owning such a vial can, via a half hour ritual, bless any machine oil he has access to, blessed machine oil give all that use the machine it is used on a +3 bonus to all appropriate tests (GM decides if the machine oil aids the machine) for d10 hours.

Having Literacy should be a requirement to using the Infantrymans Uplifting Primer though, kind of obvious but should be written as a player could miss it (seeing how guardsmen don't start with Literacy), the secondary function of not being shot when found by an officer and failing to show the primer could also be worth mentioning.

I don't think the IUP would give any bonus to Forbidden Lore (Xenos); somebody who actually has the skill knows a lot more. This is like -- say, Physics for Dummies increasing the chance of success for a professional physicist. He learned all that stuff in high school. happy.gif

EDIT: Fingernails

Characters are automatically equipped with fingernails. Provides 1 AP of Primitive Armour against blows made specifically to the upper side of the tips of the fingers.Characters without fingernails suffer a -5% to all Tests involving fine manual dexterity.


When applied once per day, deodorant provides a +5 bonus to Charm Tests against targets with a sense of smell. If deodorant is not applied, a +5 bonus to Intimidate Tests is provided. These effects stack with those of toothpaste.

partido_risa.gif bogi_khaosa said:

I don't think the IUP would give any bonus to Forbidden Lore (Xenos); somebody who actually has the skill knows a lot more. This is like -- say, Physics for Dummies increasing the chance of success for a professional physicist. He learned all that stuff in high school. happy.gif

EDIT: Fingernails

Characters are automatically equipped with fingernails. Provides 1 AP of Primitive Armour against blows made specifically to the upper side of the tips of the fingers.Characters without fingernails suffer a -5% to all Tests involving fine manual dexterity.


When applied once per day, deodorant provides a +5 bonus to Charm Tests against targets with a sense of smell. If deodorant is not applied, a +5 bonus to Intimidate Tests is provided. These effects stack with those of toothpaste.

Nice Bogi.

TUXEDO: Effect, your caracter looks cool.

SPORTS CAR: Effect, +10 Charm vs shallow bimbos. (+15 if combined with a Tuxedo)

oh, and Fingernails, while chewing fingernails PCs get +1 vs fear in non-combat situations.


Grants a +5 bonus to Gambling tests.

Sanctioning Brand

Whether the brand is implanted, tattooed, or both (usually both), it is always placed in a spot that is either highly visible or easy to view (like on the forearm, wrist, head and/or neck). The removal of this brand is considered a heretical act and is punishable by death.

Gang Leathers - +5 to intimidate in lower and middle hive, +5/-5 to fellowship vs same/different gang.

-10 fellowship vs anyone in upper hive.

Hi Face Eater,

Face Eater said:

OK, I got tongue in cheek excercise to play. Go back through <your memories of> Dark Heresy archetypes and establish EVERYTHING of significance the way they do in Death Watch that is to say, everthing MUST have an an in game effect.


Different Suggestions: the Primer"


Suggested in-game use for IH items
p182 "Infantry Gear"

Compass/Orienting Device
Hostile Weather Gear
Weapon Maintenance Kit

I think the point was that the GM was meant to come up with uses himself. For example, the compass doesn't give any hard and fast rules for it's use, but the idea would be that if the use of a compass was necessary/useful the GM would adjust the difficulty accordingly.

"Ok, we need to find our way out of the desert. We know there is a city 30 miles east of us. Lets go there."

"Ok, make a Navigation (surface) roll. Have you got a compass?"

"Erm… no."

"OK, you have to rely on your ability to judge east from the position of the sun and the stars. That will increase the difficulty from Easy to Hard."



"Ok, then it is fairly easy to keep yourself on course. Make an Easy Navigation (Surface) test."

If the character was navigating more by landmarks than direction then the Compass would be less important, or even irrelevant, which justifies it not giving a flat permenant bonus.

Zakalwe said:

partido_risa.gif bogi_khaosa said:

I don't think the IUP would give any bonus to Forbidden Lore (Xenos); somebody who actually has the skill knows a lot more. This is like -- say, Physics for Dummies increasing the chance of success for a professional physicist. He learned all that stuff in high school. happy.gif

EDIT: Fingernails

Characters are automatically equipped with fingernails. Provides 1 AP of Primitive Armour against blows made specifically to the upper side of the tips of the fingers.Characters without fingernails suffer a -5% to all Tests involving fine manual dexterity.


When applied once per day, deodorant provides a +5 bonus to Charm Tests against targets with a sense of smell. If deodorant is not applied, a +5 bonus to Intimidate Tests is provided. These effects stack with those of toothpaste.

Nice Bogi.

TUXEDO: Effect, your caracter looks cool.

SPORTS CAR: Effect, +10 Charm vs shallow bimbos. (+15 if combined with a Tuxedo)

oh, and Fingernails, while chewing fingernails PCs get +1 vs fear in non-combat situations.

This is awesome! Best gear evar!