Seattle meetup Friday at the Capital Club

By vuldin, in 7. AGoT Metagame Discussions

A group of us are meeting at the Capital Club, which is east of downtown Seattle on Pine across the street from Gamma Ray Games. We will be meeting on Friday at 7pm, most likely in the front room (same as last time). If anyone is interested in joining up for some games feel free to stop by, but please respond here or send an email if you plan to do so since there could be some last minute changes to the plan.

This still going on?

I'd like to bump this.

Are there still people playing AGOT regularly in Seattle? If so, I'm very interested!

I'm on the north side but I wouldn't mind going down to Seattle. I know of a couple of shops up here with their own rooms but I think I may be the only one who would play in Mukeltio/ Lynnwood area.

I'm a little further south but I'd love to find a fairly regular group to play with. Tacoma / puyallup area.

Would you still be interested in a league/playgroup in Seattle Bigjim22?

I wouldnt be able to make it up that far north as often as something closer but I would be interested. I got a new born so My schedule isnt as flexible as it once was, but shoot me info if / when your meeting up. The more advance notice the better. I got no one around here who plays, and the guys I game with dont really care for the game. They all say its to complicated for casual play.

Thats funny I get that a lot too. Everyone I play with likes the game, but they loose cause I have studied it more and they accuse me of making inferior decks for them. Even though we randomly draw house cards before we play.

LOL! exactly the comments I hear…