Bomb said:
KristoffStark said:
Okay, I think some clarification is in order here. The events I am referring to, wherein I feel within my rights to enforce rulings at my discretion, are the biweekly tournaments that I hold for the local meta. There is no registration of these events with FFG, nor any need to report the results of them. Therefore, while I call them tournaments, I hardly consider them "official." We pay for the League Kit, so how we run the events using it is entirely at our discretion.
Fair enough. That is not the impression I was getting from you. The impression I received was that was how you would run your regional tournament.
KristoffStark said:
As for your statement: "A TO's judgement call is their interpretation when there is no official ruling on that specific scenario or text on a card," I'm afraid the tournament rules themselves say otherwise. From page 1:
"The Tournament Organizer (“TO”) is the final
authority for all card interpretations, and he or she
may overrule the FAQ when, in his or her opinion, a
mistake or error is discovered."
"In his or her opinion," gives the TO wide authority to rule occording to their personal interpretations and opinions, not limited to when there is no other ruling.
I'm glad you pointed this out to me. I think the next time I disagree with card text, I will call it a mistake and use my own interpretation. The FAQ is not perfect, but when Nate says you should play a card as written, I would not consider that a "mistake" or an "error".
I was under the impression that official interpretations and rulings would be followed on cards that have received them specifically. But I guess if a TO considers any to be mistakes or errors, that would be the final say. I would really hope a TOs personal interpretation is not used to overrule an official one during any official FFG sanctioned tournament.
I entirely apologize if I said something to give you the impression that I was running a Regional tournament, which is far, far from the truth.
I would also hope that in such an official setting, personal interpretations would be put aside.