Hi everyone,
I am kind of confused and kind of "disappointed" about how many rules clarifications exist in the official FAQs 1.0 ... Also I am impressed about the facts of the City of Arkham, because things simply are different ...
Now with the FAQs the time-unit of "a day" has been introduced - especially with regards to certain Investagtors' abilities which may be used once per day ...
And now here is the thing - first of the quotes from the FAQ, then my question/ remark/ comment:
pg 2
"Once per day..." is a new condition for the abilities of Carolyn Fern's, Mandy Thompson's, and Vincent Lee's.
The phrase “Once per day” is further clarified later
in this FAQ.
pg 4
"Finally, Mandy Thompson, Carolyn Fern, and Vincent
Lee have had their abilities changed to function “
per day
This means
that they may use their ability
once per clock rotation
, always resetting to be used
again at midnight."
pg 4
What does “Once per day” mean?
Several investigators have been errata’ed so that their
abilities function “once per day.” This means that once
the investigator has used his ability, he cannot use it again
until after midnight has occurred. Once per day abilities
can be used during other investigators’ turns. Exactly when
is detailed in the ability itself.
Is this true then, that the time-unit of a day in Arkham is only 12 hours long? Then it would be no wonder that people freak out and get insane all the time in the City of Arkham ...
But now seriously: How do you handle this extended time-concept of the game. Is a day in ES one or two clock rotations? And if you decide it to be 2 rotations, do you start the game at midnight or at noon?
All the best!