Getting ready to run a game of Grimm and decided I'd start tossing together some idea's to populate the world.
So far I have:
After his son Pinocchio became human he quickly fell ill and died from (insert something like pnumenia here). Stricken with grief after his greatest dream had been dashed to pieces after teasing him with bliss he went mad. In his madness he trapped the blue fairy that he blamed for what happened and took her to a secluded place in the dark woods where he would build his new workshop. Day and night he cobbeled together twisted lifeless dolls, unable to recreate the living master piece he once had before. Delving into dark arts he found how to sap the fairies magic which he intended to use to bring his dolls to life and return the family he once had... however something was missing, a life force that he could not recreate with his stolen power. It was then that he found a man known only as the Pied Piper. Paying the piper with magical creations he had managed to create the piper agreed to bring him any children he found. Once in possession of Children he began tearing their souls from their body with the Blue fairies magic as she could only watch in horror form her confines, to infused his twisted creations with life. Mindless autimitons that seem infatuated with Geppetto surround him, their free will sapped with the influence of their creators magic. Geppetto's hunger never sated and he continues to seek to bring back an exact replica of Pinocchio, convinced he just needs the RIGHT child, and he won't stop even if it means stripping the souls of countless children.
Brother Hansel and Sister Gretel:
Surviving their scurt with death at the hands of the witch, Hansel and Gretel having all grown up decided to devote their lives to becoming inquisitors for the church, hunting down and slaying the evil denzines of Grimm with frightening efficiency.
(Not a whole lot of backstory for these two but I figure it pretty much doesn't need a whole lot as the theme speaks for itself).
Little Red Riding Hood:
Now grown up Little Red and her grandma did not gain the happiest of endings. While her grandma was saved from death she suffered an age old curse, that of lycanthropcy from the wolf that bit her. She has become a solo hunter, seeking out a cure for the disease while at the same time returning each night to the basement of her grandmothers house with a basket full of flesh to sate the chained beast below, promising her that one day she will deliver their happy ending.
I'll add more as I get them, I'm toying with the willy wonka idea as well thrown up a few pages back as well as a goldylocks spin where she's become a beast who's hunger is never sated and wears a large bear pelt.